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来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 16:04:05
西安城墙,是明代洪武七至十一年(公元1374—1378年)间在唐长安城的皇城基础上建筑起来的,是中世纪后期中国历史上最著名的城墙建筑之一。它和古罗马、雅典、埃及合称为世界的四大古都,城墙建筑雄伟,闻名于世。朱元璋早在建立他的封建王朝以前就曾采纳下属的建议“高筑墙、广积粮、缓称王”的意见,统一全国后,朱元璋认为做皇帝“非深沟高垒内储外备,不能为安”于是命全国各府县视地理位置筑城墙,而西安是西北重镇,于是西安城墙就在这时期构筑而成。西安城墙,东西长4256米,南北长2708米,外缘周长13.93千米里,城墙呈长方形,墙高12米,顶宽12-14米,有垛口(箭孔)5984个,敌台98座,东、西、南、北四座城门名长乐门(东门),安定门(西门),永宁门(南门),安远门(北门),各门外均建有护门瓮城,瓮城上建有城楼、箭楼各1座,瓮城外临护城沟,建有“吊桥”及“闸楼”(亦称谯楼)等组成。 明西安城墙建成后曾经过三次大的整修,第一次是明穆宗隆庆二年(公元1568年)由土城改为砖城;第二次是乾隆四十六年(公元1781年)对城墙和城楼作了整修;第三次则是1983年开始的整修规模最大的一次,包括整修城墙、护城河、环城绿化,道路及修复了敌台、箭楼、魁星楼等并建造了环城公园和娱乐场

秦始皇陵位于临潼城东5公里处,背靠骊山,面对渭水,风光绮旎。从公元前247年秦始皇即位开始修建,到公元前209年秦始皇死为止,前后修筑达37年之久。始皇陵仿咸阳宫的规模而修建。当时地面建筑众多,有寝殿、便殿、回廊、阙门及内外城等。据勘察所知,内城周长2.5公里,外围周长6.3公里,占地“九顷十八亩”,据传是取“久久”之意。现地面建筑全无,仅存陵丘,为四方锥形,原高120米,周长2000多米,现陵丘残高46米,底部周长400米余。今陵丘仍然气势宏伟,数十里之外即可望见其巍峨雄姿。始皇陵的地下建筑也非常宏伟,史称当时墓室中藏满了奇器珍怪,并且“以水银为百川江河大海,相机灌输。上具天文,下具地 理”,极其辉煌富丽。现除在始皇陵附近发掘出兵马俑、彩绘铜车马外,还发现有大量秦砖、秦瓦、地下排水管道等。特别是经专家分析,秦始皇地宫至今基本保存完好,届时一旦发掘,定会有更多的珍宝重见天日
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The Xi'an city wall, was the Ming Dynasty Hongwu (A.D. 1,374 in 1378) constructs seven to 11 years in the Tang Chang An city palace wall foundation, was the middle ages later period in the Chinese history one of most famous city wall constructions. It and ancient Rome, Athens, Egypt gather is called the world four big ancient capitals, the city wall building is grand, world famous. Zhu Yuanzhang as early as in established his feudal dynasty before on once accepted subordinate's suggestion "Gao Zhuqiang, Guang Jiliang, the slow name king" opinion, after the unified nation, Zhu Yuanzhang thought was emperor "the non- gulley high rampart outside to prepare, could not for be peaceful" thereupon the life nation various government offices county to regard the geographical position to build the city wall, but Xi'an was northwest strategic place, thereupon the Xi'an city wall on constructed in this time becomes. The Xi'an city wall, the thing length 4,256 meters, the north and south length 2,708 meters, in the outflow boundary perimeter 13.93 kilometers, the city wall assumes the rectangle, the wall height 12 meters, goes against the width 12-14 meter, has the crenel (arrow hole) 5,984, enemy tower 98, east, west, south, north four city gates Changle gate (east gate), the stable gate (west gate), the Yongning gate (Nanmen), peacefully goes far from home (north gate), outside various constructs has protects the gate , on constructs has the tower over a city gate, archer's tower each 1, outside near protects the moat, Constructs has "the hanging bridge" and "the floodgate building" (also calls ) and so on the composition. After the bright Xi'an city wall completed crosses three times of big renovations, first was is bright prosperously celebrates for two years (in 1568) by to change the brick city; Second was the Qian Long 46 years (in 1781) has made the renovation to the city wall and the tower over a city gate; Third is renovation scale biggest which in 1983 started, including renovated the city wall, the moat, the around the city afforestation, the path and has repaired the enemy tower, the archer's tower, the four stars in the bowl of the big dipper building and so on and has constructed the around the city park and the recreation area The Chin Shihhuang mausoleum is located the Lintong east end 5 kilometers place, the back depends on the Li, facing Wei water, scenery . Takes a seat from 247 B.C. Chin Shihhuang starts to construct, dies to 209 B.C. Chin Shihhuang up to, around constructs reaches for 37 years long time. The beginning imperial tomb imitates the Xianyang palace the scale to construct. At that time the ground building was multitudinous, has the bedroom palace,the winding corridor, and the inner and outer city walls and so on. According to the reconnaissance knows, the inner city perimeter 2.5 kilometers, the periphery perimeter 6.3 kilometers, 占地 "nine area units 18 Chinese acres", it is reported take "for a very long time" meaning. The present ground construction all does not have, only saves the mausoleum earthen mound, is the square cone-shape, original height 120 meters, perimeter more than 2,000 rice, present mausoleum earthen mound remnant height 46 meters, base perimeter 400 meters -odd. Now the mausoleum earthen mound still the imposing manner was grand, outside dozens of miles then saw its palatial grand appearance. Beginning imperial tomb underground construction also extremely grand, the history called at that time in the tomb chamber Tibet filled has been wonderful , and "take the mercury as hundred Sichuan rivers and streams sea, the camera instills into. The previous astronomy, the next geography ", extremely magnificent is splendid. Presently except excavates the burial figures of warriors and horses, outside the colored drawing on pottery copper carriages and horses nearby the beginning imperial tomb, but also discovered has massive Qin Zhuan, Qin Wa, the under-drainage pipeline and so on. Specially passes through the expert to analyze, the Chin Shihhuang mausoleum chamber until now basically preserves complete, at the appointed time once excavates, decides can have more treasures to be delivered from oppression