
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 09:04:50
STEP 1:Evaluation of Existing Pavement Obtain available project information: including traffic, design, soil and material reports, pavement management performance data, climatic information, etc.
Establish existing condition of pavement: requires surveys for distress, roughness, friction,drainage, materials, soils, and other factors.Determine the causes of distress: a thorough evaluation of the data collected under stepl provides clues to determine the causes of the deterioration and reveal the extent of the deterioration. Successful pavement rehabilitation design requires much more evaluation of existing conditions
than new construction does.
STEP 2: Identification of Feasible Alternatives
Develop several preliminary altemativc designs by ensuring that existing deterioration is repaired and then prevented from recurring if at all possible. Another important concept is to apply rehabilitation work only to those areas that are significantly damaged.There are four major types of alternatives that should be at least initially considered in any 4R rehabilitation project:
a. Restoration一work roquired to return the existing pavement structure to a suitable condition to ptrform satisfactorily, without the immediate placement of an overlay. If
needed, an overlay could be placed after several years (stage construction)
b. Recycyling -reworling or strengthening of bases or subbases, recycling or reworking of existing material to improve its structural integrity, adding underdrains, or improving shoulders.
c. Resurfacing - adding layer(s) of surface to provide additional structure or improve serviceability.
d. Reconstruction一of either the entire pavement section or portions of it.
There ark, of course, many design alternatives and variations within each of these four types that should be considered.
STEP 3: Select the Preferred’ Rehababilitation Alternative
a. Conduct enginccring and economic analysis: determine the monetary and non-monetary decision criteria that will be usded in selecting preftrred alternative. Engineering factors include traffic control options, time of forte closures, available quality materials, climatic conditions, etc.
Monetary factors include coats to the user and agency. A life-cycle cost analysis of each alternative must then be conducted
b. Select the preferred rehabilitation alternative; evaluate each alternative with respect to the selected decision criteria, and sdxt the "preferred" alternative considering all important decision factors.

步骤1:评估现有路面工程可获取信息:包括交通、设计、材料、土壤报道,路面性能数据管理、气候资料等. 建立现有条件下路面:要求调查危难粗糙度、摩擦、排水、材料、土壤等factors.determine造成困扰:彻底评估的数据下stepl提供线索,以确定原因的恶化,揭示程度的恶化. 成功修复路面设计更需要评估现有条件 较新的建筑确实. 步骤2:确定可行的办法 altemativc发展若干初步设计,确保现有恶化,经常无法修复,然后尽可能. 另一个重要的观念是,只适用于这些地区的恢复工作中有显著Damaged.there四大类型选择,至少在初期应该考虑任何4r修复项目: A. 一恢复工作roquired返回现有路面结构ptrform适当条件好,没有立即将重叠. 假如 必要时,可以重叠放置几年后(建设阶段) B. recycyling-reworling、加强基地或subbases,或重新再造,改善现有材料的结构完整,加上underdrains、改善肩上. C. 重新添加(s)地面层提供更多功能和改善结构. D. 重建的一节是整个或部分路面. 有快乐,当然,还有许多不同的设计方案,并在各四种应予考虑. 步骤3:选择最好的替代Rehababilitation A. enginccring行为和经济分析:确定货币性资产和非货币性决定标准,将usdedpreftrred替代选择. 设计因素包括交通管制方案,公园路时,可用材料质量、气候条件等 货币因素包括实际的用户和机构. 生命周期成本分析,必须再进行其他各 B. 较好的替代选择修复; 其他各方面的评价与选择决定标准,sdxt"喜欢"考虑到所有其他重要决定因素.