
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/30 00:23:37
关键词 图书馆 读者满意度 评价指标体系

With society developes, audiences demands even more quality library service . Library service has been shifted from the traditional, library collection-focused to audiences-focused.Thus, wether or not audiences are satisfied with the service has become the benchmark for the evaluation of library service.How to satisfy audiences,meet all their needs is a critical topic of audience service.The collection, arrangement, processing, launching and usage of library database are all based on the motto"we do everything for audiences".For this reason, discover, understand and focus on what audiences demand and provide them optimal service relating to their need is particularly important.Carry out service satisfaction survey, analyse and point out the part that need to be improved, is an effective approach to bring up the quality of our audience service. This article takes qing yang district as an example, based on the pratical reality of qing yang district library,wholly analyses its library service, creates evaluation rating system, makes audience surveys and also draws on vague and comprehensive evaluation method, in order to improve library service.