
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 15:07:07
一般来讲,大众文化就是大众所创造并欣赏的一种普及文化;而精英文化却是代表正统的、由主导一个国家或民族的那一部分精英所创造并欣赏的文化,也有人称之为“高级文化”(high culture)。

Speak generally, the public's culture is the public a kind of universal culture that creation enjoy also;And the elite culture is representative orthodox tradition of, be enjoyed also the creation by that part of elites of predominant nation or races of culture, also someone calls it as" deluxe culture"

Generally speaking, popular culture is the kind of culture created and arreciated by the masses; on the other hand,the elite culture was created and appreciated by those elites who represent legitimacy and can dominate a nation or a country, which is also called "high culture".

Generally speaking, mass popular culture is created and appreciate a universal culture; Is the orthodox representative of the cultural elite, led by a State or the nation as part of the creation and appreciation of the cultural elite, it was called "High culture"

Generally speaking, .........