
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 17:18:25
二. SWOT问题分析

Strength/superiority weaknesses opportunities threats
Boston 进入中国市场较早,产品的种类比较全 ,价格较低,产品质量好 做直销,人员配置少,在某种程度上不能很好的调动医生的积极性,和医生的沟通少,所以在销售体系上不能将产品更好的广泛应用。市场占有分额略少 与国内外专家接触交流提供的机会较多,国际性会议支持力度大
Cook,Cordis 进入中国市场较早,新产品种类较多, 新产品质量得到大家的认可 对分销商价格定的较高 对国内的会议较多,有自己的主打品牌
Bard,EV3 分销模式是大的区域代理,市场支持力度较大,市场份额持续增加, 市场份额持续增加 进入中国市场较晚,产品配套不全,产品质量一般,最进有的医生报道支架在人身体里有折段的病例 价格中等
Biotronik 已初步得到几家大医院的认可 产品单一
价格低廉 产品单一,无特色 给代理商的价格非常低

三. 营销目标


定位:boston,cordis,metronic都是具有全线产品的品牌,百多力无法与之抗衡,我们的目标就是在与bard,braun,ev3 等这些对手的竞争中获得成功。
定价: 避开与代理商的价格争议,把重点放在服务、质量、交货、技术能力和其他能产生新价值的因素上,提供竞争对手没有的产品和服务。
分销: 由销售代表根据产品市场趋势和库存状况下订单,然后才由客户盖章签字是对经销商提供的最有价值的服务。想一想,一个享受惯厂家如此贴身服务的代理商,还有多少勇气离开你投入别人的怀抱呢。

四. 营销战略
1. 我们计划参加 2006年7月12日沈阳市将举办的第七届全国介入学术研讨会,届时五百到六百位放射介入领域的权威人士莅临该会。这个会议每两年举办一次,其强大的影响力可以扩大我们产品的知名度,加速我们进军中国市场的步伐。
2. 为了解除代理商的顾虑,我们也制定了相关条款,比如如果代理商不愿意继续合作,可以按原价退货。
3. 我们的口号是“花80%的时间和精力去研究如何满足20%大医院的需求”,我们要求销售经理以固定的拜访线路,每周在固定的一天和固定时间,去拜访固定的客户。如果我们公司在满足医院的附加值需求方面做的很出色,同时更注意对教授的感情投资,那么医院会对我们的产品产生很强的依赖性,竞争对手要模仿和替代我们的难度就变大了。即使我们的竞争对手出价更低,但医院可能担心其交货会否及时;产品质量如何;与新厂家的沟通成本加大影响渠道运作等。
4. 建议找权威人士做代言人,树立我们的品牌形象。

直销Direct Marketing
人员配置Personnel configuration
在某种程度上To some extent
销售体系Marketing system
市场占有分额Market segmentation
区域代理 Regional agent

2. Analysis of SWOT question

SWOT = Strength/superiority Weaknesses Opportunities Threats.
Boston entered Chinese market relatively early whose products are full-scale with relatively low price, high qualitily. When it took up Direct Marketing needing less personnel configuration, to some extent, it couldn't arouse the positivity of the doctors and the communication with the doctors are scarcely. So it could not expanded its products broadly in its marketing system, and share less Market segmentation. However, it has many communication chances with inner and foreign experts, won broad supporting in national conferences.

Cook and Cordis Companies also entered Chinese market early and with full-scale products, and the qualitys of their new products were accepted by the people. However, its price to Distribution Marketplaces was high and were in for many national conferences,they had their own brand.

Bard, EV3 distribution marketing mode is a big regional agent with strong marketing suporting. Its market segmentation increased gradually. However, it entered Chinese market relatively late with no full-scall products, additionally the quality was just so so.

Currently, several cases were reproted by the doctors that brackets broken in patients' bodys. However, its price in middling class.

Biotronik pramarily won the acceptance of several big hospitals with relatively single products.


The price is cheap, and the products are single without their charaters. The price given to the agents is very low.

3. Marketing goals
Target market: It is estimated that its distribution agents will spread to all around China, ocuppied the areas indicated by grey color, that is to say, the remains of the yellow areas.

Prediction of market share of "百多力髂" Artery Vessel Bracket

Marketting position:
Boston, cordis, metronic are all brands with full-scale products, "百多力" can not compete with them, so our target is winning in the competition with bard,braun,ev3 et al.
Price fixing: Avoiding price competing with our agents, stressing on the factors of service, quality, consignment, technology and other factors which could bring new values, and providing particular products and services.

Distribution Marketing: The marketing representatives make the order according to the product marketing trend, then let our clients sealing and signing which is the most valuable service we provided to our agents. Think over, an agent oftenly enjoys this service provided by the manufacturer, how many bravity has he leaving you to others?

4. Marketing strategy

1. We is it participate in Shenyang city get involved the scientific seminar the seventh the whole country held will it be July 12 2006 to plan, 500 when the time comes is it can should get involved to 600 authority of field present to radiate. This meeting is run once every two years, its strong influence power can expand the popularity of our products, accelerate paces that we march into the Chinese market.

2. In order to remove the agent's worry, we have made relevant clauses too, for example if the agent is unwilling to continue cooperation, can send back goods according to the original price.

3. Our slogan is " It takes 80% of the time and energy to study how to meet 20% of the large hospitals' demands " ,We require the sales manager with the regular visit circuit, go to visit the regular customer on a regular day and set time every week. If our company did in meeting the added value demand of the hospital very outstanding, paying attention to it to the professor's investment in human relation even more at the same time, then the hospital will produce very strong dependence to our products, the degree of difficulty that the rival wants to imitate and substitute us becomes great. Even our rival's bid is lower, but the hospital may be afraid whether it will be delivered in time; How is product quality; It influences channel operation to wait to strengthen with linking up the cost of new producer.

4. Propose letting the authority be a spokesman, establish our brand image.

Two. SWOT question analysis

Strength/superiority weaknesses opportunities threats
It is relatively early that Boston enters the Chinese market, the kind of the products is more complete, the price is relatively low, the products are sold directly to households of high qualitily, personnel dispose little, can't well arouse the enthusiasm of doctor to a certain extent, with communication of doctor being so can products fine wide application at selling system little. Market occupy share to be slightly little to contact chance offered to exchange more with domestic and international expert, the supporting dynamics of international meeting is great
Cook, it is relatively early that Cordis enters the Chinese market, there are more new product categories, it is taller that new product quality gets everybody's approval correctly retail trader's price is made more to domestic meetings, there are one's own leading brands
Bard, it is that the large area acts as agent that EV3 distributes the mode, market supporting dynamics relatively heavy, market share increase continuously, market share is it enter Chinese market to be relatively late to increase continuously, products form a complete set the wholly, product quality general, enter some doctor report support is it roll over case of section price medium-sized to have in the body in people most
Biotronik has already been approved by several large hospitals tentatively The products are single
The cheap products are single, it is very low that there is no price that characteristic gives to the agent

Three. Marketing goal
Goal market: It is estimated that distributes and spreads all over all parts of the country within the year, capture the grey area beyond the yellow:

The market share of over one hundred strength common iliac artery blood vessel supports is predicted

Make a reservation: Boston, cordis, metronic is all brands with all fronts products, over one hundred strength the unable with contending it,not in goal of us in and bard, braun, ev3 waits for and succeeds in the competitions of these rivals.
Fix the price: Avoid price dispute in agent, put in service, quality, deliver, technological ability and can produce new factor of value while being other especially, products and service not offered to the rival.
Distribute: The sales representative makes the order according to the trend of product market and stock state, it is the most valuable service to that the distributor offers then stamped and signed by the customer. Think, one is it spoil producer so next to the skin agent of service, have how much courage leave you drop others' arms into to enjoy.

Four. Marketing strategy
1. We is it participate in Shenyang city get involved the scientific seminar the seventh the whole country held will it be July 12 2006 to plan, 500 when the time comes is it can should get involved to 600 authority of field present to radiate. This meeting is run once every two years, its strong influence power can expand the popularity of our products, accelerate paces that we march into the Chinese market.
2. In order to remove the agent's worry, we have made relevant clauses too, for example if the agent is unwilling to continue cooperation, can send back goods according to the original price.
3. Our slogan is " It takes 80% of the time and energy to study how to meet 20% of the large hospitals' demands " ,We require the sales manager with the regular visit circuit, go to visit the regular customer on a regular day and set time every week. If our company did in meeting the added value demand of the hospital very outstanding, paying attention to it to the professor's investment in human relation even more at the same time, then the hospital will produce very strong dependence to our products, the degree of difficulty that the rival wants to imitate and substitute us becomes great. Even our rival's bid is lower, but the hospital may be afraid whether it will be delivered in time; How is product quality; It influences channel operation to wait to strengthen with linking up the cost of new producer.
4. Propose letting the authority be a spokesman, establish our brand image.