
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 09:28:41


there is a dog, eating a meat.when it is going to aross the brigh, it finds anther dog which eating a meat ,too.(it's becaus of the lake under the brigh.)while it opening the mouth that it wants another meat,the meat failling into the lake...
can u undaerstand??

1.The Fox and the Leopard
The Fox and the Leopard disputed which was the more beautiful of the two. The Leopard exhibited one by one the various spots
which decorated his skin. But the Fox, interrupting him, said,
"And how much more beautiful than you am I, who am decorated, not in body, but in mind."
2The Bat and the Weasels
A Bat who fell upon the ground and was caught by a Weasel pleaded to be spared his life. The Weasel refused, saying that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. The Bat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, and thus was set free. Shortly
afterwards the Bat again fell to the ground and was caught by
another Weasel, whom he likewise entreated not to eat him. The
Weasel said that he had a special hostility to mice. The Bat
assured him that he was not a mouse, but a bat, and thus a second time escaped.

It is wise to turn circumstances to good account.