
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 22:15:22
卡纳维拉尔角发射场位于美国佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角。发射场纬度较低,向东发射火箭,可利用地球自转附加速度,有助于卫星入轨。这里属亚热带季风性温润气候,冬季温和少雨,多晴朗天气,大气能见度好,适宜冬季发射,自1950年7月 首次发射“下士”火箭以来,先后发射了“宇宙神”火箭、“大力神”火箭、“土星V”火箭等,囊括了美国所有向地球同步轨道发射的任务;还发射了“阿波罗”飞船、“天空实验室”及各种行星际探测器。卡纳维拉尔角发射场是美国航天发射的重要基地。美国佛罗里达州纳维拉尔角肯尼迪航天中心,被人们称为人类通向太空的大门。它濒临大西洋,由于地理条件优越,1947年辟为火箭试验发射场。这里在美国本土最接近赤道地区,向东发射火箭,可利用地球自转附加速度,有助于卫星入轨。又在美国的边缘,面临浩翰的海洋,其东南方向有巴哈马群岛和西印度群岛,适宜于建一系列监控站,是各种航天器理想的发射场所。从美国第一颗人造卫星到举世瞩目的航天飞机,都是从这里启程飞上太空的。 肯尼迪航天中心囊括了美国所有向地球同步轨道发射的任务;还发射了“阿波罗”飞船、“天空实验室”及各种行星际探测器。是美国航天发射的重要基地。肯尼迪航天中心南北长56千米,东西宽20千米。中心包括技术阵地和发射阵地两大部分。在技术阵地建有火箭及卫星,飞船组装检测厂房。特别引人注目的是装配大楼,其容积360万立方米,高160米,楼内备有各种先进的测试仪器和显示,记录设备。发射阵地建在5千米外,拥有发射控制中心和发射台。整个航天中心有23个发射阵地,其中著名的39号发射阵地有A,B两座发射台,许多大型航天器都从这里飞出地球。

Cape Canaveral launch site at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Launch site latitude lower east fired rockets available Additional Earth rotation speed to satellite orbited. Here is a subtropical monsoon climate of mild, moderate drier than usual winter, more fine weather, atmospheric visibility, and suitable for winter launch, since July 1950 the first launch of the "corporal" rocket, it has launched the "universe God" rockets, "Titan" rockets, "Saturn V" rocket, cover all of the United States to launch geosynchronous orbit mission; also launched "Apollo" spacecraft, "Skylab" and various interplanetary probes. Cape Canaveral launch site is an important base for the United States space launch. American Naweilaer Kok Kennedy Space Center in Florida, to be known as human space door. It was on the verge of the Atlantic, owing to geographical conditions superiority into rocket test range in 1947. Here in the United States closest to the equatorial region east fired rockets available Additional Earth rotation speed to satellite orbited. Also in the United States on the brink, facing the vast ocean, the Bahamas and the West Indies in the southeastern direction, suitable for the construction of a series of monitoring stations, is the ideal launch of the spacecraft places. From the first artificial satellite to the world renowned U.S. Space Shuttle, are from here for fly space. Kennedy Space Center to cover all of the United States to launch geosynchronous orbit mission; Also launched "Apollo" spacecraft, "Skylab" and various interplanetary probes. Is an important base for the United States space launch. Kennedy Space Center 56 km long north-south, east-west width of 20 km. Centres including technical positions and fired two most positions. In technical positions built rockets and satellites, spacecraft assembly testing plant. Particularly noteworthy is the assembly building, the capacity of 3.6 million cubic meters, 160 meters high, buildings have all kinds of advanced testing equipment and show that the records equipment. 5 km in front of the launch, with the launch control center and transmitters. There are 23 centres throughout the space launch site, which launched the famous 39 positions are marked two transmitters, many large spacecraft flew here from the Earth.

Cape Canaveral launch site at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Launch site latitude lower east fired rockets available Additional Earth rotation speed to satellite orbited. Here is a subtropical monsoon climate of mild, moderate drier than usual winter, more fine weather, atmospheric visibility, and suitable for winter launch, since July 1950 the first launch of the "corporal" rocket, it has launched the "universe God" rockets, "Titan" rockets, "Saturn V" rocket, cover all of the United States to launch geosynchronous orbit mission; also launched "Apollo" spacecraft, "Skylab" and various interplanetary probes. Cape Canaveral launch site is an important base for the United States space launch. American Naweilaer Kok Kennedy Space Center in Florida, to be known as human space door. It was on the verge of the Atlantic, owing to geographical conditions superiority into rocket test range in 1947. Here in the United States closest to the equatorial region east fired rockets available Additional Earth rotation speed to satellite orbited. Also in the United States on the brink, facing the vast ocean, the Bahamas and the West Indies in the southeastern direction, suitable for the construction of a series of monitoring stations, is the ideal launch of the spacecraft places. From the first artificial satellite to the world renowned U.S. Space Shuttle, are from here for fly space. Kennedy Space Center to cover all of the United States to launch geosynchronous orbit mission; Also launched "Apollo" spacecraft, "Skylab" and various interplanetary probes. Is an important base for the United States space launch. Kennedy Space Center 56 km long north-south, east-west width of 20 km. Centres including technical positions and fired two most positions. In technical positions built rockets and satellites, spacecraft assembly testing plant. Particularly noteworthy is the assembly building, the capacity of 3.6 million cubic meters, 160 meters high, buildings have all kinds of advanced testing equipment and show that the records equipment. 5 km in front of the launch, with the launch control center and transmitters. There are 23 centres throughout the space launch site, which launched the famous 39 positions are marked two transmitters, many large spacecraft flew here from the Earth.

Cape Canaveral launch site at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Launch site latitude lower east fired rockets available Additional Earth rotation speed to satellite orbited. Here is a subtropical monsoon climate of mild, moderate drier than usual winter, more fine weather, atmospheric visibility, and suitable for winter launch, since July 1950 the first launch of the "corporal" rocket, it has launched the "universe God" rockets, "Titan" rockets, "Saturn V" rocket, cover all of the United States to launch geosynchronous orbit mission; also launched "Apollo" spacecraft, "Skylab" and various interplanetary probes. Cape Canaveral launch site is an important base for the United States space launch. American Naweilaer Kok Kennedy Space Center in Florida, to be known as human space door. It was on the verge of the Atlantic, owing to geographical conditions superiority into rocket test range in 1947. Here in the United States closest to the equatorial region east fired rockets available Additional Earth rotation speed to satellite orbited. Also in the United States on the brink, facing the vast ocean, the Bahamas and the West Indies in the southeastern direction, suitable for the construction of a series of monitoring stations, is the ideal launch of the spacecraft places. From the first artificial satellite to the world renowned U.S. Space Shuttle, are from here for fly space. Kennedy Space Center to cover all of the United States to launch geosynchronous orbit mission; Also launched "Apollo" spacecraft, "Skylab" and various interplanetary probes. Is an important base for the United States space launch. Kennedy Space Center 56 km long north-south, east-west width of 20 km. Centres including technical positions and fired two most positions. In technical positions built rockets and satellites, spacecraft assembly testing plant. Particularly noteworthy is the assembly building, the capacity of 3.6 million cubic meters, 160 meters high, buildings have all kinds of advanced testing equipment and show that the records equipment. 5 km in front of the launch, with the launch control center and transmitters. There are 23 centres throughout the space launch site, which launched the famous 39 positions are marked two transmitters, many large spacecraft flew here from the Earth.