
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 03:23:05
Brand Strategy
Standing out amid a massive chorus of competitors is a challenge for any company in today’s business climate. Want evidence? Look at any magazine, TV show or surf the Internet. The number of offers and sales pitches one receives on a daily basis is simply staggering and increasingly ineffective. It’s no wonder, then, why businesses are seeking new and more effective ways of increasing the influence of their brand strategy in the marketplace. A strong brand strategy can increase the awareness of a company and its offerings in such a way that establishes strong feelings and reactions and a favorable view towards the company as a whole. To create this sort of “brand awareness” in your market, it takes skillful Brand Strategy know-how.
Successfully out-branding your competitors is a continuous battle for the hearts and minds of your customers. The proposition your brand strategy makes must be very compelling, attractive and unique among competitive offerings. The proposition must also be consistently reinforced throughout all phases of an organization, from senior executives to customer service, research and development, business development and even your business partners.
What entails a comprehensive and effective “Brand Strategy process?” That’s a much longer answer than what we have space for here, plus it varies from industry to industry, but here are some very basic guidelines about what makes a good Brand Strategy.
Brand Strategy—what’s the big deal?
Brand Strategy is nothing new. Yet, the expectations consumers have for a product or service they buy is stronger than it’s ever been. This is why companies interested in long-term success must create the most promising, targeted brand experience possible.
Whether you know it or not, you already have a brand, and your customers are having a “brand experience” when they interact with you, whether it be with your products and services or the people in your company. In order to craft this “brand experience” in a calculated way that is beneficial for your company, you must have a strong understanding about what exactly a brand is.
Brand is the Alpha and Omega
In other words, brand is the totality of your company and its business.
“A brand is the sum of the good, the bad, the ugly and the off-strategy,” says Scott White, one of the nation’s leading branding consultants and a valued expert companies like Sun Life Financial and Franklin Sports rely on. “It is your best and worst product. It is your best and worst employee. It is communicated through award-winning advertising as well as those ads that somehow slipped through the approval cracks and sank anything riding on them. It is your on-hold music and the

在一个竞争者的庞大合唱是今天的生意气候的任何公司的挑战之时站立出 需要证据? 看任何的杂志,电视秀或海浪英特网。 提议和售卖的数字一接受的程度以每日的方式只是摇晃欲倒和逐渐无效。 资讯科技不足为奇,然后,生意为什么正在寻求增加市场的他们商标策略的影响力的新和更多有效方法。 一个强烈的商标策略能增加一个如此整体上而言建立对于公司的强烈感觉和反应和有利的视野方法的对一家公司的注意和它的提供。 产生这种 " 商标觉察"在你的市场中,它轮流熟练的商标策略实际知识。
成功外面- 打上烙印你的竞争者是你的客户心和思想的一场连续的战争。 你的商标策略制造的建议一定在竞争的提供之中是非常无法抗拒的,吸引人的和独特的。建议一定也一致地在所有一个组织的时期各处被加强, 从资深的主管到客户服务,研究和发展,生意发展而且使~相等你的生意合伙人。
需要的一包罗万象的和有效的 "商标策略处理?"那是超过我们有的提供这里的空间一个非常长的答案,加上它从工业变化到工业,但是这里有关作一个好商标策略的东西是一些非常基本的指导方针。
商标策略不是什么新的东西。 然而, 期待消费者为一种产品有或他们买的是比资讯科技强壮的曾经是。 这是对长期的成功感兴趣的公司为什么一定产生最有希望者, 对准商标经验可能的。
是否你知道它,当他们与你互动的时候,你已经有商标,而且你的客户正在有 " 打上烙印经验 ",是否它是由于你的公司你产品和服务或人。在次序中到一个对你的公司是有益的有计划的方法飞机这 " 打上烙印经验 " ,你一定有强烈的理解有关什么完全地商标是。
"商标是好者,坏者的总数, 那丑陋的和远者-策略", 史考特白色说, 国家的领先之一打上烙印顾问而且一家尊贵的专家像太阳生活财政的和富兰克林运动的公司信赖在之上。 "资讯科技是你的最好和最坏的产品。 资讯科技是你的最好和最坏的职员。资讯科技经过得奖的广告和那些不知何故藉由搭乘他们从赞成溜走裂缝而且沉落了任何事的广告被沟通。 资讯科技是你的在- 之上把握的音乐和那