接头 parker legris:威尼斯英汉对照介绍

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Introduction to Venice

Lord Byron called Venice (Venezia) "a fairy city of the heart." La Serenissima, "The Most Serene," is an improbable cityscape of stone palaces that seem to float on water, a place where cats nap in Oriental marble windowsills set in colorful plaster walls. Candy-stripe pylons stand sentry outside the tiny stone docks of palazzi whose front steps descend into the gently lapping waters of the canals that lace the city.

In Venice, cars are banned -- every form of transportation floats, from water taxis and vaporetti (the public "bus" ferries) to ambulance speedboats and garbage scows. Venice is a place where locals stop at the bacaro (wine bar) to take un ombra (literally "a little bit of shade"; in practice, a glass of wine) and munch on cicchetti (tapaslike snacks) or linger over exquisite restaurant seafood dinners.

It is also a city of great art and grand old masters. Venetian painting enjoyed early masters such as the Bellini clan -- Jacopo from the 1420s, sons Giovanni and Gentile from the 1460s. By the early 1500s Venice had taken the Renaissance torch from Florence and made it its own, lending the movement the new color and lighting schemes of such giants as Giorgione, Tiziano (Titian), Paolo Veronese, and Tintoretto.

So much for Venice the Serenissima. There's also Venice the insanely popular and overcrowded. Certainly, the tourists can seem inescapable, and prices can be double or triple here what they are elsewhere in Italy.

But visitors flock to this canalled wonder for very good reason: Venice is extraordinary, it is magical, and it is worth every cent. Its existence defies logic, but underneath its otherworldly beauty and sometimes-stifling tourism, Venice is a living, breathing, singular city that seems almost too exquisite to be genuine, too fragile to survive the never-ending stream of visitors who have been making the pilgrimage here for 1,500 years.

As barbarian hordes washed back and forth across the Alps during the decline of the Roman Empire (starting in the 4th c.), inhabitants of the Veneto flatlands grew tired of being routinely sacked and pillaged along the way. By the 6th century, many had begun moving out onto the mudflat islands of the marshy lagoon, created by what was in ancient times the Po River delta, to take up fishermen's lines or trading ships. When they saw that one barbarian horde, the Lombards, had stayed to settle the upper Po valley (still called Lombardy), these Veneti decided to remain on their new island homes and ally themselves instead with the eastern remnant of the old Roman Empire, Byzantium.

Oddly, what we now consider central Venice was the last area settled. After Attila the Hun rampaged through, citizens of the Roman town of Altino moved out onto Torcello and founded a tidy commercial empire under the control of the Byzantine emperor -- ironic, since Torcello's star has long since fallen and it is now the least built-up of all of greater Venice's major inhabited islands. Townsfolk from Oderzo moved to Malamocco and made it the lagoon's political capital (the original site is now underwater, and the Malamocco that survives nearby is a fishing village on the southern stretch of the Lido, near the golf course). After barely defeating Charlemagne's son Pepin there in 810, the capital was moved to the more protected Rialto islands -- now central Venice.

Greater Venice's oldest surviving structure is the cathedral on Torcello, founded in 639 but largely 9th and 10th century now. In fact, sparsely populated Torcello is one of the best glimpses into how early Venice must have looked -- scattered buildings and canals banked by waving rushes and reeds, everything outlined by the dotted lines of wooden piles hammered down into the mud. This construction is what underlies all those stone palazzi of central Venice: a framework foundation of sunken tree trunks, hammered down into the caranto (a solid clay layer under the surface of mud and sand) and preserved in the anaerobic atmosphere of their muddy tomb, overlain with Istrian stone.

As its power began to peak in the early 13th century, Venice led the fourth and most successful Crusade, capturing Constantinople itself. It went on to conquer territories across what are today Turkey, the Greek isles, and Crete -- and eventually became the capital of Italy's inland provinces, now the Veneto, Trentino, and Friuli. By 1300 it was one of the largest cities and the leading maritime republic of Europe and the Mediterranean. Although the Black Death carried off over half the population from 1347 to 1350, Venice bounced back and remained a maritime power until the 18th century, when trade through the new American colonies would increasingly steal much of the city's thunder.

By the end of the 18th century, Venice had run out of steam commercially, not to mention militarily after centuries spent fighting the Turks (who slowly regained most of Venice's Aegean and Greek territories). By the time Napoléon came along in 1797, the Venetian Republic offered little resistance. Napoléon gave control of Venice to Austria, under whose rule it remained for almost 70 years. Daniele Manin did stage an unsuccessful mini-revolution in 1848 and 1849, during which Venice was privileged to become the first city attacked from the air -- from a fleet of hot-air balloons armed with long-fused time bombs. The Risorgimento (unification) movement and its king Vittorio Emanuele II defeated the Austrians, gained control of the Veneto, and made it a part of the newly minted state of Italy in 1866.

In its position at the crossroads of the Byzantine and Roman -- later Eastern and Western -- worlds, Venice over many centuries acquired a unique amalgamated heritage of art, architecture, and culture. And although hordes of traders and merchants no longer pass through as they once did, Venice nonetheless continues to find itself at a crossroads: an intersection in time between the uncontested period of maritime power that built it and the modern world that keeps it ever-so-gingerly afloat.

It is a great disservice to allot Venice the average stay of 2 nights and 3 days (it sometimes takes the better part of a day just to find your hotel). If you can, stay at least 3 nights and preferably longer -- Venice has the potential to be the highlight of your travels through Italy. It is a city too special and unique on this globe to be rushed.

Leave your heels and excess luggage at home, and make sure to toss the map and this guide in your daypack for at least an afternoon, turn left when the signs to the sights point right, and get lost in the back calli (streets) and uncrowded campi (squares) where tourists seldom tread and you will encounter the true, living, breathing, gloriously decaying side of this most serene city.


欧文话称威尼斯(利)"一城仙心" LaSerenissima, "最平静",这是一个惊人的市容石宫,似乎就浮动水的地方就是东方猫,鲜艳的彩色大理石墙面石膏. 糖果的各类塔站哨外的小石头码头Palazzi步骤降临到他面前的运河水轻轻拨,花边的城市.

在威尼斯,禁止车辆--每交通工具彩车,从水、的士 vaporetti (民"巴士"船)、快艇救护scows垃圾. 威尼斯是一个地方,当地人站 Bacaro (酒律师)是否 联合国Ombra (从"一点点下"; 实际上,一杯酒),就明希 Cicchetti (tapaslike小吃)或停留在精美海鲜酒楼聚餐.

它也是一座伟大的艺术大师和大老. 威尼斯绘画大师如提前享受画庄--Jacopo从1420s,儿子GiovanniGentile,从1460s. 1500s早期的威尼斯已复兴火炬,从佛罗伦萨使得自己的运动贷款新色彩、灯光等办法,挖掘Giorgione,Tiziano(尼)、PaoloVeronese,Tintoretto.

这么多的Serenissima威尼斯. 还有威尼斯的全民疯狂和拥挤. 当然,游客可以是不可避免的,价格可以增加一倍或两倍,在这里他们在意大利其他地方.

游客蜂涌而至的很好的理由怀疑这canalled:威尼斯是很了不起,这是神奇,值得一分一毫. 它的存在违背逻辑,但底下的标签和美丽有时令人窒息旅游、威尼斯是一个活生生的、独特的城市,似乎太精美属实,过于脆弱,为了生存不停的访客曾经使这里朝拜为1500年.

由于歹徒冲番来回越过Alps在罗马帝国的衰亡(从4C),居民的威尼托平原增长了经常被解雇,沿途抢劫. 由6世纪,许多人开始走出去泥滩上的岛屿湖泊沼泽地,所创造的古代三角洲的保,拿起渔民线路或营运船舶. 当他们看到一个蛮声威,Lombards,留上解决保谷(仍然称为伦巴第), Veneti 决定留在岛上的新家园,而不是自己的盟友和东罗马帝国的遗迹,老、拜占庭等.

奇怪,我们现在考虑的是今年威尼斯中部地区定居. 后匈奴大举通过公民罗马城的Altino迁出到Torcello,创建了整洁的商业帝国控制下的拜占庭皇帝--讽刺,因为Torcello的星光早已倒下,现在最建设所有大威尼斯的大有人居住的岛屿. 从各地迁OderzoMalamocco,使得泻湖的政治资本(现原址水下、Malamocco,依然是附近渔村的南部路段的丽都附近球场). 查理击败后不到儿子那里满810首都迁移到更受保护Rialto群岛--现在中央威尼斯.

大威尼斯最古老的教堂结构尚存在Torcello,成立于6399和10世纪,但主要是现在. 事实上,人口稀少Torcello是最佳照片如何早期威尼斯要看过--散存建筑和运河的冲击,挥舞着芦苇,一切由点概述线路经过木桩分为泥. 这是基础建设中的所有石Palazzi威尼斯:沉没树干基础架构,在经过分为 Caranto (粘土层下坚实的表面的泥土和沙子)和保存在泥泞的气氛厌氧墓,有传言声称石.

其权力高峰开始13世纪初,率领四、最成功的威尼斯运动,攻占群本身. 接着,在今天的领土征服土耳其、希腊岛屿、克里特--并最终成为首都意大利内陆省份,现在的威尼托,Trentino、资. 这是1300年由全球最大的城市和主要的欧洲和地中海航运共和国. 虽然黑人死亡带走一半以上的人口从1347年至1350年,威尼斯反弹,仍是一个海洋大国,直到18世纪,在新的贸易伙伴美国的殖民地会越来越多,偷全市雷声.

由十八世纪末,威尼斯的商业已强弩之末,更遑论在军事上的百年奋斗了土耳其人(他们慢慢恢复了大部分威尼斯、希腊爱琴海地区). Napoléon的时间是在1797年沿、威尼斯共和国阻力不大. 威尼斯Napoléon控制了奥地利的统治下,几乎是70年. 阿Manin是一个不小的阶段,在1848年革命和1849年,在威尼斯,有幸成为第一个城市,从空中攻击--从舰队热气球携带长期繁衍定时炸弹. < Risorgimento (合并)流动和国王还在Emanuele二击败奥地利、威尼托的控制,使其成为国家刚刚获得1866年在意大利.

对处于十字路口的罗马、拜占庭--东方与西方后--世界,在许多国家获得了威尼斯独特的文化艺术归纳、建筑、文化. 虽然歹徒商人和商人不再是通过他们曾经做过,威尼斯仍继续将发现自己正处于十字路口:一个十字路口时间无期的海上力量,建立它与现代世界,它一直都那么小心翼翼下去.

它极大地损害了威尼斯分配平均逗留3天2夜(有时是需要更好的日子你找饭店). 如果可以,至少停留三晚的时间,最好是--威尼斯有可能是重点,你穿过意大利. 这是一个特殊的、独特的城市也将在这个地球上匆匆.

离开你的行李过多,继在家中,一定要丢掉这个地图,引导你daypack至少一个下午,当左标志权观光点,迷失在回 Calli (街道)和假日 Campi (小平)让游客很少走,你将遇到真正的、活生生的、最光荣的一面腐烂市安宁.