
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 13:39:03
美国式的家庭结构比较简单:父母以及未成年孩子,称之为核心家庭。子女一旦结婚,就得搬出去住,经 济上也必须独立。父母不再有义务资助子女。这种作法给年青人提供最大限度的自由,并培养其独立生活的能 力,但同时也疏远了亲属之间的关系。

中国式的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。在这样的家庭中,老人帮助照看小孩,儿孙们 长大后帮助扶养老人,家庭成员之间互相依赖,互相帮助,密切了亲情关系。然而,这种生活方式不利于培养年青人的独立能力。

American-style family structure is relatively simple: parents and children as a core family. Once the children get married, they move away to live independently. Parents no longer have an obligation to support their children. This approach to young people gives them great freedom and power to develop their independent living, but also alienates the relationship between relatives. Chinese style family structure is more complex, traditional happy family is four generations. In such families, children help take care of elderly, children grow up to help the elderly, family members depend on each other, help one another, everyone has a close family relationship. However, this way of life is not conducive to nurturing young people's independence.

American-style family structure is relatively simple : parents and minor children, as core family. Once the children get married, they moved to live, the relief must also be independent. Parents no longer have an obligation to support their children. This approach to young people with the greatest freedom and power to develop their independent living, but also alienate the relationship between relatives. Chinese style family structure is more complex, traditional happy family is four generations. In such families, child care help elderly, children who grow up to help elderly dependency, interdependence between family members, help one another, a close family relationship. However, this way of life is not conducive to nurturing young people's independence

American-style family structure is relatively simple: parents and children as a core family. Once the children get married, they move away to live independently. Parents no longer have an obligation to support their children. This approach to young people gives them great freedom and power to develop their independent living, but also alienates the relationship between relatives. Chinese style family structure is more complex, traditional happy family is four generations. In such families, children help take care of elderly, children grow up to help the elderly, family members depend on each other, help one another, everyone has a close family relationship. However, this way of life is not conducive to nurturing young people's independence.

goo job!