
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 18:01:37

爱尔兰小童星Declan Galbraith

  Declan Galbraith is like most other 11 year-old boys. He loves computer games, swimming, cycling and football. But one thing makes him different….he's just been signed to a recording deal worth more than a million pounds. This remarkable young boy, originally from Hoo, near Kent has an amazing voice and has had every major record company hotly bidding to sign him. Record giants EMI have secured Declan's signature and over the next 3 years Declan is promised to release at least 3 albums.
  At the tender age of 8, Declan started singing at local talent competitions and won sixteen titles in just fourteen months. Since then he has gone on to record a version of Walking in the Air which was released on the same Christmas album as Westlife and Elton John. His own album is due out in the autumn, so it won't be long until artists are clambering to sing with him!
  Not only does Declan possess an extraordinary vocal talent but the range of music he sings is both diverse and unusual for such a young boy. As well as popular classics including 'I'll be There' and Angels, Declan sings traditional Irish folk songs such as Danny Boy and Carrikfergus. He's also anxious to record new songs that he can claim to be his very own and perhaps one day he'll even write them himself!
  Declan's love of traditional Irish music stems from an early childhood spent with his granddad 'Poppy' Ben. Ben was a musician who played in Irish folk bands and he regularly brought Declan along to watch him play at various gigs and concerts. Unfortunately 'Poppy' Ben died before he could see Declan's success, however Declan cites him as his strongest musical influence.
  Declan's parents are Siobhan and Alec; he also has a six year old sister, Bernadette, who is a talented Irish dancer. They have a large family all of whom are very close. He is often seen out and about with some of his many cousins.
  Declan's dedication and love of singing means that he practices daily for two hours. He has his own voice coach, who gives him advice on how to look after what he describes as 'a very special and unique voice'. For such a young boy, Declan is single minded in the fact that his main ambition is to sing professionally. Alternatively he'd consider acting, either way he is determined to carve his name out in lights!
  Declan Galbraith,来自爱尔兰小童星,很可爱的小男孩。除了天使般的声音,Declan小小年纪,已经表现出星探们热衷的所谓“明星气质”--一头松软的深色头发,浓密的睫毛,明亮清澈的蓝眼睛,充满童真颇富感染力的笑容,还有满满的自信。更重要的是,他从不怯场,每次上台都异常兴奋;应该说,也有过一次紧张,那是在圣保罗大教堂女王特赦的演出上。为Robbie Williams和Phil Collins制作MTV的John Carver十分有信心的说,“Declan注定要成为一个超级巨星的,不仅是因为他超群的声音,更重要的是他极好的个性,他非常聪明。”
  除了他的音乐天赋,以及身后的百万合同,Declan和其它小男孩没有什么分别。喜欢足球,电脑游戏和游泳,房间里贴满海报,足球,Robbie Williams,Westlife,还有哈利·波特。他也曾为签名不够快而苦恼,直到听从父亲的建议,用“Dec”签名才算解决。他喜欢的歌手包括Carole King,The Fureys,Christy Moore,Led Zeppelin,Robbie Williams 和Westlife。


  Walking in the Air 空中漫步

  We're walking in the air 我们在空中漫步,

  We're floating in the 1)moonlit sky 在月光点亮的天空中飘浮。

  The 2)people far below are sleeping 在我们飞翔的时候,

  As we fly 人们还在梦乡中。

  I'm 4)holding very tight 我抓得很紧,

  I'm riding in the 3)midnight blue 在午夜深蓝的天空中驰骋,

  I'm finding I can fly so high above with you 和你一起在这高高的天空中。

  Far across the world 在遥远的天边,

  The villages go by like trees, 如做梦一般飞过村庄,

  The rivers and the hills 河流,山川,

  The forest and the 5)streams 森林和小溪。

  Children 6)gaze open mouthed 睡眼朦胧的孩子张大嘴巴,

  7)Taken by surprise 惊讶地看着我们飞过,

  Nobody down below believes their eyes 他们都不敢相信自己的眼睛。

  We're surfing in the air 我们在天空中翱翔,

  We're swimming in the frozen sky 我们在清冷的夜空中畅游。

  We're drifting over icy mountains floating by 在冰雪覆盖的山顶滑翔。