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我想问介词~at:在....时候 和 在.....地方 的意思

in:在....时候 和 在.....地方 的意思

in 大地点
at 小地方





★ 参考课本P57



1. 简单介词,e.g.: at, in off, on, etc.

2. 合成介词,e.g.: into, inside, out of, etc.

3. 短语介词,e.g.: according to, because of, etc.

4. 二重介词,e.g.: from behind, until after, etc.


介词是一种虚词,不能独立作句子成分,一般与名词或代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、 短语或从句)构成介词短语,才能充当句子成分。介词短语在句中可作定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。介词短语作定语时,一般放在被修饰词的后面。(例句参见课本P58)


1.in 与 after

⑴ in:有“最多过多少时间”的含义,后接一个时间段,常表示从现在算起,指将来的情况。e.g.: She will go in three days. 她过三天(或三天后)去。

⑵ after:分两种情况:

a. 后接一个时间段,以过去为起点,表示过去时间,常用于过去时。

e.g.: She went after three days. 她三天以后走的。

b. 后接一个特定时间点,可以表示现在、过去或将来情况。

e.g.: After supper we usually go out for a walk.(现在)

She fell ill suddenly after eating the meal. (过去)

She will go after three o’clock.(她在三点以后去)(将来)

2.by 与 before

by:意思是“不迟于”、“到……时为止”,by 短语表示时间强调“终止点”。


e.g.: Your son will be all right by supper time.

---句中的by supper time 表示从说话时到晚饭前这段时间。

The poor children couldn’t go to school before liberation.

---句中的before liberation 强调的是以解放为起始点,解放之前的事。

3.in 与 during


e.g.: They visited many cities during their stay in China.


The shop is closed during Spring Festival. 春节期间商店关门。

We usually go on holiday in July. 我们一般在七月休假。

四、表方向的介词at, to, for, toward(s) 的用法区别

1. at:有明确的方向,又带有较强的目的性。

e.g.: Don’t throw stones at my dog. 不要用石子砸我的狗。

还有一些与at连用的词组,如:shout at 对…嚷嚷,rush at 冲去,come at 扑来,等等。

2. to:

⑴ 表示目的地

和动词come, go, return, walk, march等连用,表示动作的目的。

e.g.: He is going to the classroom.

⑵ 表示去的目的

e.g.: They have gone to the movies. 他们去看电影了。

3. for:动身向某处去,常和leave, start, be off, depart等连用。

e.g.: I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我动身去北京。

for 与 to 相比,更强调去的“方向”。

e.g.: a train to Shanghai 到上海的列车。

a train for Shanghai 开往上海方向的列车。

4. toward(s):强调“朝着…方向”,并带有未达到目标的含义。

e.g.: They are marching towards the enemy. 他们在向敌人挺进。

五、介词in, to, on在方位名词前的区别

1. in 表示某地在某地范围之内

2. to 表示某地在某地范围之外

3. on 表示某地与某地相邻、接壤。

e.g.: 1. Tianjin is (lies) in the east of China.

2. Japan is (lies) to the east of China.

3. Mongolia is (lies) on the north of China. 蒙古国位于中国北边。

六、区分except与except for


except for:“除外;如果不是”,表示除去整体中的一部分。

e.g.: Except Mr. Wang, we went to see the film last night.



The composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.



七、in 与at表示地点的区别

在表示地点时,一般小地方用 at,大地方用 in.

e.g.: He arrived in Beijing on Wednesday.

He arrived at the village last night.

八、between 与 among的用法区别


e.g.: The Pacific Ocean is between Asia and America.

Shanghai is among the largest cities in the world.

Between them they collected $ 50. 他们共同集款50元。


They do not know the difference between wheat, oat and barley.



l 介词部分一般考核所学介词的用法,尤其是在介词使用中的一些固定搭配。

e.g.: His daughter is fond _____ singing folk songs. (2002津春季高考)

A. with B. of C. at D. to (答案B)


P68. 强化训练—A 巩固练习

1. Do you like dressing yourself in new clothes?

---分析---:本题考核与动词dress 搭配的介词,在这里我们讲一下dress的用法。

dress:vi. 穿衣服、穿礼服;


e.g.: I’ll be ready in a moment; I’m dressing.

She always dresses in black/her uniform.


vt. 给……穿衣服

e.g.: Please dress the baby, George.


10.To the best of my knowledge, he never went to France.


to the best of one’s knowledge/belief/ability:



A 巩固练习

2. prevent from 阻止 3. be in trouble 遇到了麻烦

11. accuse of 谴责,控告 12. adapt to 调整以适应……

13. aim at 目标瞄准 14. answer for 对……负责

16. believe in 相信 17. blame for 因……责备

18. communicate with 与……联系 19. consist of 包括

20. congratulate on 祝贺(什么) 21. be deprived of 被剥夺……

22. result in 导致 result from 起因于 23. be subject to 服从,遵循

27. in the habit of 有……习惯 29. be proud of 因……而自豪

30. be keen on 对某人、某事非常喜爱,热衷于做某事

31. be quick at, be good at : at指“在……方面”,与评论的范围连用。

32. be ignorant of 对……无知 33. be qualified for 对……胜任

34. keep in touch with 与……保持联系

35. be to one’s liking 对某人的胃口,to 指“与…一致”,liking是“爱、喜欢”。

B 自我测试

2.fill with 用……装满 4. in time of need 在需要的时候

6. on the top, at the bottom of 在上端,在底端

7. be made of 由……制成 8. far from 离……很远

9. rob sb.of sth. 掠夺某人什么东西


1. There will be an English film ____ the evening of September the first.

A. in B. at C. on D. /

2. The reading-room won’t open ____ half past nine.

A. at B. until C. for D. during

3. I’ll write to you as soon as I get ____ Hangzhou.

A. in B. at C. to D. on

4. Our life is full ____ sunshine.

A. with B. in C. on D. of

5. Birds have wings instead ____ arms.

A. in B. with C. on D. of

6. Does John know any other foreign language ____ French?

A. except B. but C. besides D. beside

7. Go ____ the gate and you’ll find the entrance ____ the park ____ the other side.

A. through, to, on B. along, of, on C. down, to, at D. up, of, by

8. One ____ five will have the chance to join in the game.

A. within B. among C. in D. from

9. They will provide us ____ eggs and meat.

A. on B. to C. with D. by

10. She took the youth ____ long hair ____ a girl.

A. in, as B. with, as C. with, for D. in, for

1-5: CBCDD 6-10: CACCC

in是表示在大地方如:in Beijing
at是表示在小地方如:at home