
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 16:47:15
认识自己 要清楚:自己是谁、现在在哪里、准备做什么、应该干什么?
善待他人 要积极与人交往,学习善待他人,才能获得生活中的快乐。
接纳现实 不论发生什么事,都不要逃避,而是要面对它们。
承认弱点 要承认自己的弱点,乐于接受别人的建议、忠告。
吸取教训 面对失败和挫折应该从中吸取教训,勇往直前。
能屈能伸 我们对待人生的态度都应该是处之泰然,有错就改。
乐于助人 帮助别人,与别人关系融洽,自然就会受人尊敬。
宽恕之心 自己受到不公平的待遇时,必须宽恕和同情他人。
坚守信念 做任何事情时,要能够坚守个人的信念。

Know oneself must be clear: Who are own, now in where, prepares to make what, should do what?
Handle kindlies other people to have positively to associate with the human, the study handle kindlies other people, can obtain in the life the joy.
Admits the reality no matter has any matter, all do not have to evade, but is must face them.
Acknowledged weakness needs to acknowledge own weakness, are glad accepts others suggestion, the advice.
The absorption lesson should draw the lesson facing the defeat and the setback, marches forward courageously.
we to treat the life the manner all to be supposed to be the calm reception, has the mistake to change.
helpful can help others, is harmonious with others relations, can be command respect naturally.
Forgives when heart receives the unfair treatment, must forgive and sympathize with other people.
Perseveres when the faith handles anything, must be able to persevere individual faith.

Knowing oneself wants to know:Oneself is who, where now, prepare to do what, should do what?
Treating kindly the others wants to associate with person actively, studying to treat kindly others, then can acquire the happiness in the life.
Accept reality to take place in spite of what matter, don't evade, but want to face them.
Admit weakness and admit oneself's weakness, take pleasure in a suggestion, advice of accepting the other people.
Absorbing the precept's facing failure and frustrate should absorb precept from it, going forward courageously.
Canning bend and unbending the attitudes that we treat life all should be take things calmly, is wrong and then change.
Take pleasure in help others help other people, relate to with other people harmonious, nature will be respected by person.
The heart forgiven when oneself is subjected to unfair treatment, have to forgive with sympathize with others.
Can guard securely personal conviction when guarding securely the conviction does any affair.

훰街菱성 狼헌뇝:菱성角强、君瞳瞳컴쟁、硫구隣痂척、坛맡맴痂척?
?덤俭훙 狼생섐宅훙슥巩,欺构?덤俭훙,꼽콘삿돤?삶橹돨우있。
쌈케君茄 꼇쬠랙?痂척悫,떼꼇狼径긁,랍角狼충뚤剑쳬。
넓훰흽듐 狼넓훰菱성돨흽듐,있党쌈肝깎훙돨쉔累、泸멩。
俱혤싱祁 충뚤呵겨뵨댁粮坛맡닒橹俱혤싱祁,澹巩殓품。
콘형콘? 乖쳬뚤덤훙?돨檄똑떼坛맡角뇹裂揭횔,唐댄앎맣。
있党燎훙 곤燎깎훙,宅깎훙밑沟휨퐝,菱횔앎삔肝훙吝쓴。
욱匣裂勤 菱성肝돕꼇무틱돨덤岛珂,극伎욱匣뵨溪헙俭훙。
솽磵斤쿡 隣훨부悫헙珂,狼콘뭘솽磵몸훙돨斤쿡。

Know oneself must be clear: Who are own, now in where, prepares to make what, should do what?
Handle kindlies other people to have positively to associate with the human, the study handle kindlies other people, can obtain in the life the joy.
Admits the reality no matter has any matter, all do not have to evade, but is must face them.
Acknowledged weakness needs to acknowledge own weakness, are glad accepts others suggestion, the advice.
The absorption lesson should draw the lesson facing the defeat and the setback, marches forward courageously.
we to treat the life the manner all to be supposed to be the calm reception, has the mistake to change.
helpful can help others, is harmonious with others relations, can be command respect naturally.
Forgives when heart receives the unfair treatment, must forgive and sympathize with other people.
Perseveres when the faith handles anything, must be able to persevere individual faith.

Knowing oneself wants to know:Oneself is who, where now, prepare to do what, should do what?
Treating kindly the others wants to associate with person actively, studying to treat kindly others, then can acquire the happiness in the life.
Accept reality to take place in spite of what matter, don't evade, but want to face them.
Admit weakness and admit oneself's weakness, take pleasure in a suggestion, advice of accepting the other people.
Absorbing the precept's facing failure and frustrate should absorb precept from it, going forward courageously.
Canning bend and unbending the attitudes that we treat life all should be take things calmly, is wrong and then change.
Take pleasure in help others help other people, relate to with other people harmonious, nature will be respected by person.
The heart forgiven when oneself is subjected to unfair treatment, have to forgive with sympathize with others.
Can guard securely personal conviction when guarding securely the conviction does any affair.

Knew oneself must be clear: Who are own, now in where, prepares to
make what, should do what? Handle kindlies the other people to have
positively to associate with the person, the study handle kindlies the
other people, can obtain in the life the joy. Admits the reality no
matter has any matter, all do not have to evade, but is must face
them. Acknowledged weakness needs to acknowledge own weakness, are
glad accepts others' suggestion, the advice. The absorption lesson
should draw the lesson facing the defeat and the setback, marches
forward courageously. 能屈能伸 we to treat the life the manner all
to be supposed to be place is dignified, has the mistake to change. Is
glad helps the person to help the others, relates harmoniously with
the others, naturally can be command respect. Forgives when heart
receives the unfair treatment, must forgive and sympathize with the
other people. Perseveres when the faith handles any matter, must be
able to persevere individual faith.