
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 01:41:15
我们四月七号就要进行英语辩论赛了,我们是第一小组第一场,时间非常紧迫,主题是大学生兼职(part time job)我们是正方,支持这一观点,希望大家能给予支持,提供论据(要英文的!)谢谢!

my view on part time job
As for a student, the only one source of study, textbook, is far from enough. Complaints about the lack of practical skills are constantly heard from the society towards fresh graduates. Without work experience seems to be the case of isolation from the reality. The best way to fill up the blank is to have a part-time job during school life. However, in my opinion, not all types of part-time jobs are appropriate for us. Choices should be made under such aspects as time, value and interests. Nothing is perfect. Once you derive something, you have to pay for it. Judgments and decisions are what we always want to make.

To begin with, time is the first factor which should be taken into consideration when we start looking for a part-time job. As you know, we have several courses covering each week at different time sections. Time allocation is required to be made in advance. Hasty decisions to take a job at the expense of classes will definitely ruin your life. After all, study is the major task for a student. One cannot succeed without a solid foundation. Otherwise, even when you communicate with social people will you find nothing to talk about. I have ever met a lot of students crazy for their part-time jobs by skipping classes, even for consecutive days as a result of failure of passing examinations or even attaining a diploma. Well, nothing or not totally rests on people individually.

Next, value may be regarded as the most important factor for determination of a job. Various types of part-time jobs are available yet selection should be made on a value basis. What is called “valuable”? Let’s take an example. Bar girls earn a lot of money whereas not too much benefit will be had on them. What they capitalized on is their youth, beauty and smiles but not on their brains too often. If only for the sake of money, they are successful and satisfied by achieving their objective. On the contrary, time has been consumed and efforts have been made whereas nothing makes sense in some people’s eyes. What they pursue for is a real combination of knowledge and application, what they desire for is skill improvements of all ranges and what they aim at is better understanding of what they have learned. Those are desires in spirit rather than in material, which are more difficult to satisfy. As far as I am concerned, I would like to look for jobs which can benefit me in such aspects as communication skills, practical operation, thinking and flexibility. As a sales, sound interpersonal skill is required while being an administrative assistant, good organizing skill is a must, so is computer operation. From a long-term point of view, self-improvement is far more valuable than currently money earning.

Last but not least, personal interest plays an important role in working performance. If a job doesn’t match with your personality or interest, you will suffer from that, insignificant. Instead, that will improve your work efficiency, quality as well as motivation of self-learning constantly. Chemical effects take place.

To sum up, do be careful and serious on your part-time job selecting. It can either be a stimulation or a stumbling block in your life.

Today I did a part-time job for Boram Group Nanchang branch with one of my classmates Wang.

Indeedly speaking,it is a job that can makes you tired easily.However,it isnot boring.On the contrary,you can learn a lot from such a action and experince even though you cannot make much money.For instence,firstly,I became braver to communite with strangers beacuse I must find and guide consummer who wants to buy what we sell to our count.Addingly,I have the responsebility to introduce our commodities to potential buyer in order to make them believe me,so ,my speaking skill has been improved through this.

Now,my body is so tired that I desire to go to bed immediatly,but,I am so excitting that I cannot go asleep so early sponteniously.

In short,it is a rewarding job I enjoy.And,I will get up early to continue working.

Well, well, well - we meet again Mr Pond. Firstly, I must address a pressing (erotic) matter that has only recently been brought to my attention. To all the "random idiots", as I like to call them and yes this does include you Squeaky, I thank you for your offers of dates (that's the meeting of people dates, not the food that you eat dates - though they would be appreciated as well), skates and g-strings (boy will they come in handy for later...). However, I will not be making any public appearances over the coming month (unless you're in Lancaster of course) and so you must disspell any idea that I will be "meeting up" with you random people. Keep on sending your photos though - how I laugh when I see someone dressed up in their birthday suit. Ohoho - tosser. Now to the accusations of me being "fat" - thank you Holly! I'm NOT FAT!!! Ben is...but I'm not...ol' FATTY BEN! BEN FATTY BEN! FAT BEN FAT! But not me. In fact, it's RUDE to call people fat - isn't it fatty Ben? Yes it is. So STOP IT! Fatty Ben. Thirdly, yes I am fit...no need to tell me sugrplum whatever your face is dairy-fairy. Incidently, why would there be a sugar plum fairy? The answer is in the question!

Now to my Ode to John Nettles.

He is a man, a wonderful man.


He has a prickly name and a prickly....

but he doesn't tell his FONNY!

What a murder, a wonderful murder

that RUBBER JOHNNY solved.

He solved the murder, the wonderful murder...

and even had time for a cup of teeeeeeeeeea.

But what a shame he drinks coffeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

His name is Johnny,


He likes his murders in the PAAAAAARK

amongst other things

does Rubber Johnny

play with FONNY.




His prickly name and prickly bits

oh what a prick has Johnny.

Johnny Nettles, nettley Johnny.

But where was the rose in Midsomer?

He had a sargeant

a randy sargeant, that rubber Johnny had.

No not in that way (not in that way).

He was in Bergerac, was Johnny Nettles

and he played a prickly thing

but not in that way, did Johnny Nettles like to play his prick.

He's 62, is Johnny Nettles but he likes to play

with you.

But not in that way, does Johnny Nettles get

to have a screw.

He likes a screw, does Johnny Nettles


Oh he's a man...

is Johnny Nettles.

He plays a Barn

aby indeed.

Does Johnny Nettles ever murder

that fat man with the beef?

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The incoherence of coherence

I'll name this one...Derek.

So what is this update in aid of? Quite frankly Frank, I don't know. Frank? Who the hell is Frank? Quite frankly, I don't know. You don't know Frank? Everyone knows Frank...quite...Frank. Well, quite frankly, I don't care about Frank.

Now firstly, let me address the two comments (though it may be more than this when you get round to reading this wonderful piece of literature). Starting with our very own paedophile, Squeaky. I don't have a clue what you're on about? Rip-offs? You're obviously imagining it...now go and play with your toys in the sandpit. Incidently, how IS your Barbie doll these days? I heard she was going through "the change" - old sod. That reminds me of our new COMPETITION. Yes...you have to name SQUEAKY'S BARBIE DOLL. Answers on a non-suspicious brown bag (with nothing suspicious in it). In the words of Elton John, "I ain't gonna die"...actually, YOU ARE! YOU STUPID BLOODY IDIOT! I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE GAY AND MARRIED (*sniggers*), YOU'RE STILL GONNA BLOODY DIE! Arsehole.

Must say something funny. Must say something funny. Titmouse. There...my job is done.

The second comment - by the Loch Ness Monster - is, quite obviously, stupid. After all, there is no such thing as a Loch! DUH! In fact, the wall outside my house is four foot high and that's funny because there isn't a wall outside my house. Odd no? Well (rest assured) I blame you. Tosser.

So what has been happening in the mad, mad, mad world of someone mad? God knows. But I do know what has been happening in MY world...OHOHOHOHO...tit. Yes..I had an early night last night - 4am...blame Dave for KNOCKING ON MY DOOR AT 3am! NO I DIDN'T HAVE YOUR SODDING CHAIR BUT I WISHED I DID! DAMN YOU DAVE! The Law Ball is now less than a week away, needless to say I have acquired suitable attire for the event - my birthday suit. That is...the suit I had for my birthday (and I didn't even have a suit for my birthday)...not that I am stupid to turn up to such a "prestigious" event naked. Actually, wait a second, yes I am...yup. Now there's an idea. Well you'd certainly get marks for originality. Or in my case, cockanality...

The first two weeks have flown by - perhaps because I've been enjoying it so much, or perhaps because you're not there. Indeed, I've dragged myself away from Lancaster twice in the last two weeks to go to FUSSBALL MATCHES. Birmingham v. Torquay, Man United v. Blackburn. COME ON THE UNITEDS!!!

So...that's about it really. I'm bored tonight. It's a Friday night and there are 3 people left in the corridor - myself included - and the other two are working! Bastards! I say we whip them, possibly with a rhythm stick, possibly with a brick. Either will do...now SOD OFF BITCH!

I think I'll close this with some of my own classic lines of the last three months at Lancaster:

"I'll name this one.....Derek"
"Where is X?"
"Why is he shooting that man?"
"WHAT'S THAT MAN DOING?", "What man Rob?", "THAT MAN OVER THERE *followed by pointing*"
"That's how you pack a freezer! OH YEAH!"
*This is in reference to how men are always asked to smell perfume when buying and, in particular, when the person behind the counter says "Do you want to smell it?"* "Yes I'll smell it, but what about the perfume?"

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Happy New Year!

Look! I don't give a fuck if it's 22 days late...HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR!
And Merry Christmas too...

So I arrived home, I did some stuff and then I went back to Lancaster. What fun! So what is happening back here in Lancaster I hear you cry (literally). Well Day One was good enough - talking in the kitchen about porn (fine by me). Then the return of "work" - although the first week of "work" wasn't.... Best night of the week goes to Friday - congratulations Friday. I remembered how much I'd missed the Sugarhouse, Chris being pissed and Gareth hugging everyone in sight and also his constant bumping into people. Not to mention Matt's "groovy" dancing, Myunkee and friend speaking in a language I couldn't understand (I think it was English), Sham being soberly drunk but sober and Mike not wanting to dance. Chris astounded all on Friday with his ultra-fast drinking - no sooner had he downed a JD and Coke, had he drunk half a pint of cider and then the other bit and then he decided it would be fun to tip it into my lager. Yes...don't you just love lager and cider together...don't make me give its real name - it's the forbidden word. Unfortunately, Chris had to leave early with Mike (Chris had drunk far too quickly and decided it would be good to be sick outside the toilet door - I wondered why that woman was cleaning so violentl). Stayed until the Sugar finished this time - good stuff, good set, good dancing (I think), good everything...BUT! HOW DARE THEY PUT THE PRICES UP BY 10P! SLUTS! THE LOT OF THEM!

So what's happening this week? The answer is...I don't know. Well...apart from going to the United game on Wednesday...I don't know!

Until next time, have a safe journey and sod off your hat we pray.


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Wankers, all wankers
Hello children. Today I have a harrowing story. It's about the FUCKING PHONE COMPANY RINGING ME UP EVERY FUCKING HOUR! NO! I DON'T WANT YOUR PHONE! I'VE GOT MY OWN! YES THAT IS MY NAME! NO I'M NOT - OH FUCK OFF! So what can I talk about? Not much? You've got it! I'm going to talk about not much. So get your pillows ready because it's going to be int...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wanker.

Actually, this weekend was quite boring - especially Sunday as everyone chose to stay in their rooms and "work" or "sleep". Friday night wasn't too bad though. A little trip to The Sugarhouse and its Austin Powers theme night (which no-one bothered doing incidently - and I mean NO-ONE) . The tribute band, Spy Candy, were "interesting" (shit) but still they were better than The LIkeness who thought they were being clever playing the "new" songs - I WANTED THE OLD FUCKING SONGS YOU LONG-HAIRED, LEOTARDED PILLOCK!

I think that now is the time to introduce the Uni gang. They will be appearing in various photos throughtout the year (I suspect). Right - we have (at the far end of the corridor) Gary from Manchester and Matt from Kent. Next to Gary is Chris from Wokingham and opposite Chris is Gareth from York. Next to Chris is Pat from Manchester and opposite him was Ben from Cheshire but he's moved out because he didn't like us or "the noise" - k.n.o.b. Next to Pat is Dave from Blackpool and opposite Dave is Mike from (now this is where my memory fails me but I think it is) Bracknell. Next to Dave is myself...and opposite me is Sham from Bradford. Next to me is Myunkee from Korea. That is it. I'm closest to the kitchen and the toilets! The other end can hear when our doorbells are being pressed and get pissed off. Fortunately, my doorbell doesn't work! Normally, we go out on a Friday to the wonderful Sugarhouse (cheap, cheerful and most certainly fun) and get a free bus back - oh yeah! However, some people go home at weekends so our travelling crew is somewhat depleted. Honourable mentions must go to Jonesy (a fellow County member and member of the darts team! "WE LOVE YOU COUNTY WE DO!"), Caroline and Lauren in Lonsdale (boooo - at least they're not in Cartmel), Bec and Ben - the History seminar crew, Mike (not the same Mike) - the Law seminar thingey whatsit and the Mike on my floor for dictating the Universe as an Arsehole seminar!

So there you have it. I probably have pictures of all of them, I can put them up if needs be. This week is me preparing for two coursework assignments and doing whatever work I can. Then at the weekend, I'm going home for the first time! Lovely jubbly! What's more - I get to go to the "wonderful" "show" that my parents "star" in...isn't that fantastic?! [Ed's Note - the sarcasm] I've never met Ed before but he keeps leaving me these bloody notes!

On another note, the hockey team have won two games on the trot - 6-1 and 3-2 (BEATING KEELE! WOOOOOOOOOOO). Come on Lancaster!

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Did you think it was over?

Say NO to Fanny
Well hello there! Long time no see - although that really is quite ironic because you can't see me anyway. You stupid idiot! So where have I been all this time? Have I been held captive in a foreign country? Yes! Have I been lazy? Yes! Or have I just been at University? No! Don't be so stupid! Well, actually, I have been at University, I have been lazy and I have been in a foreign country - well, it IS Lancashire and that is all but a foreign country. They speak in a funny language and smell up here.

Now I have asked everyone what they thought about University life has said "Oh it's brilliant, it's great, it's so much fun, we do no work, brilliant". Whilst I appreciate that most people don't know everyone, they must respect that I do know everyone - he's a charming fellow. So to be different I am going to say that Uni life is fucking shite, it's crap, it's so boring and ALL we do is work - no I'm not at Oxford or Cambridge! Bastards!

On a (slightly) more serious note, Uni life is actually treating me well. Not only have I got some good friends (hence my lack of updating this thing) but I also do a lot of pissing about (hence my lack of updating this thing). First of all, let me praise the other floors in County West for being knobs - it truly is war, well, I say war but two floors have calmed down now. B Floor we're coming for you...by the way, did you enjoy the milk because we loved your eggs.

Well I cannot really be arsed to write much more because I've got "stuff" to "do" - *cough* watching Soccer Saturday. COME ON ENGLAND! Bit of a crappy update really, but I thought I'd better let all my loyal followers know that I'm alive and well and the "I Love Timewell" Fan Club is getting new members by the day.


The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Mira Vista College to the college's board of trustees.

"At nearby Green Mountain College, which has more business courses and more job counselors than does Mira Vista College, 90 percent of last year's graduating seniors had job offers from prospective employers. But at Mira Vista College last year, only 70 percent of the seniors who informed the placement office that they would be seeking employment had found full-time jobs within three months after graduation, and only half of these graduates were employed in their major field of study. To help Mira Vista's graduates find employment, we must offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to help students with their resumes and interviewing skills."

In this argument, the arguer recommends that to help Mira Vista's graduates find employment they should offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to help students with their resumes and interviewing skills. To support his conclusion, the arguer cites the example of Green Mountain College which has more business courses and more job counselors and has more percent of last year's graduating seniors who had job offers from prospective employers than Mira Vista. In addition, the arguer points out the poor condition of Mira Vista's graduating employment. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.

In the first place, the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between more business courses and job counselors and more graduating seniors who will have prospective job offers. Of course, business courses will help students with their knowledge to the society, and job counselors will help to improve students' resumes and interview skills. But the arguer does not take into account other important factors that might effect the employment, such as individual major subject, the condition of the company, the request of the employer, etc. Without considering these factors, the arguer could not draw any conclusion about the graduating employment.

In the second place, the statistics cited in this argument is vague and misleading. The arguer indicates that only 70 percent of the seniors are those who informed the placement office that they would be seeking employment had found full-time jobs within three months after graduation and only half of them were employed in their major field of study. The arguer ignores the possibility that many graduates who found prospective jobs did not report to the college. In contrast, Green Mountain college had 90 percent of last year's graduating seniors who had job offers. Perhaps, most of those 90 percent had found part-time jobs and only a few of them were employed in their major field of study. The arguer does not provide this information so that the statistics is invalid.

Finally, the arguer commits a fallacy of false analogy. There is no guarantee that following the measures of Green Mountain College offering more courses in business and hiring additional counselors will ensure the increase of the percent of graduates who could find employment. The arguer fails to consider the diversity of both colleges such as current courses, faculty, students, cost of offering additional courses and hiring counselors, etc.

To sum up, the statistics and assumptions do not lend strong support to this argument. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more concrete evidence regarding the survey and the conditions of students and employments. I would suspend my judgment about the recommendation until the arguer can prove that Mira Vista College is the same as Green Mountain College at all aspects. Otherwise, the conclusion is ineffective and misleading.

my view on part time job
should be made under such aspects as time, value and interests. Nothing is perfect. Once you derive something, you have to pay for it. Judgments and decisions are what we always want to make.

To begin with, time is the first factor which should be taken into consideration when we start looking for a part-time job. As you know, we have several courses covering each week at different time sections. Time allocation is required to be made in advance. Hasty decisions to take a job at the expense of classes will definitely ruin your life. After all, study is the major task for a student. One cannot succeed without a solid foundation. Otherwise, even when you communicate with social people will you find nothing to talk about. I have ever met a lot of students crazy for their part-time jobs by skipping classes, even for consecutive days as a result of failure of passing examinations or even attaining a diploma. Well, nothing or not totally rests on people individually.

Next, value may be regarded as the most important factor for determination of a job. Various types of part-time jobs are available yet selection should be made on a value basis. What is called “valuable”? Let’s take an example. Bar girls earn a lot of money whereas not too much benefit will be had on them. What they capitalized on is their youth, beauty and smiles but not on their brains too often. If only for the sake of money, they are successful and satisfied by achieving their objective. On the contrary, time has been consumed and efforts have been made whereas nothing makes sense in some people’s eyes. What they pursue for is a real combination of knowledge and application, what they desire for is skill improvements of all ranges and what they aim at is better understanding of what they have learned. Those are desires in spirit rather than in material, which are more difficult to satisfy. As far as I am concerned, I would like to look for jobs which can benefit me in such aspects as communication skills, practical operation, thinking and flexibility. As a sales, sound interpersonal skill is required while being an administrative assistant, good organizing skill is a must, so is computer operation. From a long-term point of view, self-improvement is far more valuable than currently money earning.

Last but not least, personal interest plays an important role in working performance. If a job doesn’t match with your personality or interest, you will suffer from that, insignificant. Instead, that will improve your work efficiency, quality as well as motivation of self-learning constantly. Chemical effects take place.

To sum up, do be careful and serious on your part-time job selecting. It can either be a stimulation or a stumbling block in your life.
回答者: 成功领路 - 副总裁 十级 4-3 16:15


Today I did a part-time job for Boram Group Nanchang branch with one of my classmates Wang.

Indeedly speaking,it is a job that can makes you tired easily.However,it isnot boring.On the contrary,you can learn a lot from such a action and experince even though you cannot make much money.For instence,firstly,I became braver to communite with strangers beacuse I must find and guide consummer who wants to buy what we sell to our count.Addingly,I have the responsebility to introduce our commodities to potential buyer in order to make them believe me,so ,my speaking skill has been improved through this.

Now,my body is so tired that I desire to go to bed immediatly,but,I am so excitting that I cannot go asleep so early sponteniously.

In short,it is a rewarding job I enjoy.And,I will get up early to continue working.

Well, well, well - we meet again Mr Pond. Firstly, I must address a pressing (erotic) matter that has only recently been brought to my attention. To all the "random idiots", as I like to call them and yes this does include you Squeaky, I thank you for your offers of dates (that's the meeting of people dates, not the food that you eat dates - though they would be appreciated as well), skates and g-strings (boy will they come in handy for later...). However, I will not be making any public appearances over the coming month (unless you're in Lancaster of course) and so you must disspell any idea that I will be "meeting up" with you random people. Keep on sending your photos though - how I laugh when I see someone dressed up in their birthday suit. Ohoho - tosser. Now to the accusations of me being "fat" - thank you Holly! I'm NOT FAT!!! Ben is...but I'm not...ol' FATTY BEN! BEN FATTY BEN! FAT BEN FAT! But not me. In fact, it's RUDE to call people fat - isn't it fatty Ben? Yes it is. So STOP IT! Fatty Ben. Thirdly, yes I am fit...no need to tell me sugrplum whatever your face is dairy-fairy. Incidently, why would there be a sugar plum fairy? The answer is in the question!

Now to my Ode to John Nettles.

He is a man, a wonderful man.


He has a prickly name and a prickly....

but he doesn't tell his FONNY!

What a murder, a wonderful murder

that RUBBER JOHNNY solved.

He solved the murder, the wonderful murder...

and even had time for a cup of teeeeeeeeeea.

But what a shame he drinks coffeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

His name is Johnny,


He likes his murders in the PAAAAAARK

amongst other things

does Rubber Johnny

play with FONNY.




His prickly name and prickly bits

oh what a prick has Johnny.

Johnny Nettles, nettley Johnny.

But where was the rose in Midsomer?

He had a sargeant

a randy sargeant, that rubber Johnny had.

No not in that way (not in that way).

He was in Bergerac, was Johnny Nettles

and he played a prickly thing

but not in that way, did Johnny Nettles like to play his prick.

He's 62, is Johnny Nettles but he likes to play

with you.

But not in that way, does Johnny Nettles get

to have a screw.

He likes a screw, does Johnny Nettles


Oh he's a man...

is Johnny Nettles.

He plays a Barn

aby indeed.

Does Johnny Nettles ever murder

that fat man with the beef?

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The incoherence of coherence

I'll name this one...Derek.

So what is this update in aid of? Quite frankly Frank, I don't know. Frank? Who the hell is Frank? Quite frankly, I don't know. You don't know Frank? Everyone knows Frank...quite...Frank. Well, quite frankly, I don't care about Frank.

Now firstly, let me address the two comments (though it may be more than this when you get round to reading this wonderful piece of literature). Starting with our very own paedophile, Squeaky. I don't have a clue what you're on about? Rip-offs? You're obviously imagining it...now go and play with your toys in the sandpit. Incidently, how IS your Barbie doll these days? I heard she was going through "the change" - old sod. That reminds me of our new COMPETITION. Yes...you have to name SQUEAKY'S BARBIE DOLL. Answers on a non-suspicious brown bag (with nothing suspicious in it). In the words of Elton John, "I ain't gonna die"...actually, YOU ARE! YOU STUPID BLOODY IDIOT! I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE GAY AND MARRIED (*sniggers*), YOU'RE STILL GONNA BLOODY DIE! Arsehole.

Must say something funny. Must say something funny. Titmouse. There...my job is done.

The second comment - by the Loch Ness Monster - is, quite obviously, stupid. After all, there is no such thing as a Loch! DUH! In fact, the wall outside my house is four foot high and that's funny because there isn't a wall outside my house. Odd no? Well (rest assured) I blame you. Tosser.

So what has been happening in the mad, mad, mad world of someone mad? God knows. But I do know what has been happening in MY world...OHOHOHOHO...tit. Yes..I had an early night last night - 4am...blame Dave for KNOCKING ON MY DOOR AT 3am! NO I DIDN'T HAVE YOUR SODDING CHAIR BUT I WISHED I DID! DAMN YOU DAVE! The Law Ball is now less than a week away, needless to say I have acquired suitable attire for the event - my birthday suit. That is...the suit I had for my birthday (and I didn't even have a suit for my birthday)...not that I am stupid to turn up to such a "prestigious" event naked. Actually, wait a second, yes I am...yup. Now there's an idea. Well you'd certainly get marks for originality. Or in my case, cockanality...

The first two weeks have flown by - perhaps because I've been enjoying it so much, or perhaps because you're not there. Indeed, I've dragged myself away from Lancaster twice in the last two weeks to go to FUSSBALL MATCHES. Birmingham v. Torquay, Man United v. Blackburn. COME ON THE UNITEDS!!!

So...that's about it really. I'm bored tonight. It's a Friday night and there are 3 people left in the corridor - myself included - and the other two are working! Bastards! I say we whip them, possibly with a rhythm stick, possibly with a brick. Either will do...now SOD OFF BITCH!

I think I'll close this with some of my own classic lines of the last three months at Lancaster:

"I'll name this one.....Derek"
"Where is X?"
"Why is he shooting that man?"
"WHAT'S THAT MAN DOING?", "What man Rob?", "THAT MAN OVER THERE *followed by pointing*"
"That's how you pack a freezer! OH YEAH!"
*This is in reference to how men are always asked to smell perfume when buying and, in particular, when the person behind the counter says "Do you want to smell it?"* "Yes I'll smell it, but what about the perfume?"

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Happy New Year!

Look! I don't give a fuck if it's 22 days late...HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR!
And Merry Christmas too...

So I arrived home, I did some stuff and then I went back to Lancaster. What fun! So what is happening back here in Lancaster I hear you cry (literally). Well Day One was good enough - talking in the kitchen about porn (fine by me). Then the return of "work" - although the first week of "work" wasn't.... Best night of the week goes to Friday - congratulations Friday. I remembered how much I'd missed the Sugarhouse, Chris being pissed and Gareth hugging everyone in sight and also his constant bumping into people. Not to mention Matt's "groovy" dancing, Myunkee and friend speaking in a language I couldn't understand (I think it was English), Sham being soberly drunk but sober and Mike not wanting to dance. Chris astounded all on Friday with his ultra-fast drinking - no sooner had he downed a JD and Coke, had he drunk half a pint of cider and then the other bit and then he decided it would be fun to tip it into my lager. Yes...don't you just love lager and cider together...don't make me give its real name - it's the forbidden word. Unfortunately, Chris had to leave early with Mike (Chris had drunk far too quickly and decided it would be good to be sick outside the toilet door - I wondered why that woman was cleaning so violentl). Stayed until the Sugar finished this time - good stuff, good set, good dancing (I think), good everything...BUT! HOW DARE THEY PUT THE PRICES UP BY 10P! SLUTS! THE LOT OF THEM!

So what's happening this week? The answer is...I don't know. Well...apart from going to the United game on Wednesday...I don't know!

Until next time, have a safe journey and sod off your hat we pray.


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Wankers, all wankers
Hello children. Today I have a harrowing story. It's about the FUCKING PHONE COMPANY RINGING ME UP EVERY FUCKING HOUR! NO! I DON'T WANT YOUR PHONE! I'VE GOT MY OWN! YES THAT IS MY NAME! NO I'M NOT - OH FUCK OFF! So what can I talk about? Not much? You've got it! I'm going to talk about not much. So get your pillows ready because it's going to be int...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wanker.

Actually, this weekend was quite boring - especially Sunday as everyone chose to stay in their rooms and "work" or "sleep". Friday night wasn't too bad though. A little trip to The Sugarhouse and its Austin Powers theme night (which no-one bothered doing incidently - and I mean NO-ONE) . The tribute band, Spy Candy, were "interesting" (shit) but still they were better than The LIkeness who thought they were being clever playing the "new" songs - I WANTED THE OLD FUCKING SONGS YOU LONG-HAIRED, LEOTARDED PILLOCK!

I think that now is the time to introduce the Uni gang. They will be appearing in various photos throughtout the year (I suspect). Right - we have (at the far end of the corridor) Gary from Manchester and Matt from Kent. Next to Gary is Chris from Wokingham and opposite Chris is Gareth from York. Next to Chris is Pat from Manchester and opposite him was Ben from Cheshire but he's moved out because he didn't like us or "the noise" - k.n.o.b. Next to Pat is Dave from Blackpool and opposite Dave is Mike from (now this is where my memory fails me but I think it is) Bracknell. Next to Dave is myself...and opposite me is Sham from Bradford. Next to me is Myunkee from Korea. That is it. I'm closest to the kitchen and the toilets! The other end can hear when our doorbells are being pressed and get pissed off. Fortunately, my doorbell doesn't work! Normally, we go out on a Friday to the wonderful Sugarhouse (cheap, cheerful and most certainly fun) and get a free bus back - oh yeah! However, some people go home at weekends so our travelling crew is somewhat depleted. Honourable mentions must go to Jonesy (a fellow County member and member of the darts team! "WE LOVE YOU COUNTY WE DO!"), Caroline and Lauren in Lonsdale (boooo - at least they're not in Cartmel), Bec and Ben - the History seminar crew, Mike (not the same Mike) - the Law seminar thingey whatsit and the Mike on my floor for dictating the Universe as an Arsehole seminar!

So there you have it. I probably have pictures of all of them, I can put them up if needs be. This week is me preparing for two coursework assignments and doing whatever work I can. Then at the weekend, I'm going home for the first time! Lovely jubbly! What's more - I get to go to the "wonderful" "show" that my parents "star" in...isn't that fantastic?! [Ed's Note - the sarcasm] I've never met Ed before but he keeps leaving me these bloody notes!

On another note, the hockey team have won two games on the trot - 6-1 and 3-2 (BEATING KEELE! WOOOOOOOOOOO). Come on Lancaster!

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Did you think it was over?

Say NO to Fanny
Well hello there! Long time no see - although that really is quite ironic because you can't see me anyway. You stupid idiot! So where have I been all this time? Have I been held captive in a foreign country? Yes! Have I been lazy? Yes! Or have I just been at University? No! Don't be so stupid! Well, actually, I have been at University, I have been lazy and I have been in a foreign country - well, it IS Lancashire and that is all but a foreign country. They speak in a funny language and smell up here.

Now I have asked everyone what they thought about University life has said "Oh it's brilliant, it's great, it's so much fun, we do no work, brilliant". Whilst I appreciate that most people don't know everyone, they must respect that I do know everyone - he's a charming fellow. So to be different I am going to say that Uni life is fucking shite, it's crap, it's so boring and ALL we do is work - no I'm not at Oxford or Cambridge! Bastards!

On a (slightly) more serious note, Uni life is actually treating me well. Not only have I got some good friends (hence my lack of updating this thing) but I also do a lot of pissing about (hence my lack of updating this thing). First of all, let me praise the other floors in County West for being knobs - it truly is war, well, I say war but two floors have calmed down now. B Floor we're coming for you...by the way, did you enjoy the milk because we loved your eggs.

Well I cannot really be arsed to write much more because I've got "stuff" to "do" - *cough* watching Soccer Saturday. COME ON ENGLAND! Bit of a crappy update really, but I thought I'd better let all my loyal followers know that I'm alive and well and the "I Love Timewell" Fan Club is getting new members by the day.


The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Mira Vista College to the college's board of trustees.

"At nearby Green Mountain College, which has more business courses and more job counselors than does Mira Vista College, 90 percent of last year's graduating seniors had job offers from prospective employers. But at Mira Vista College last year, only 70 percent of the seniors who informed the placement office that they would be seeking employment had found full-time jobs within three months after graduation, and only half of these graduates were employed in their major field of study. To help Mira Vista's graduates find employment, we must offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to help students with their resumes and interviewing skills."

In this argument, the arguer recommends that to help Mira Vista's graduates find employment they should offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to help students with their resumes and interviewing skills. To support his conclusion, the arguer cites the example of Green Mountain College which has more business courses and more job counselors and has more percent of last year's graduating seniors who had job offers from prospective employers than Mira Vista. In addition, the arguer points out the poor condition of Mira Vista's graduating employment. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.

In the first place, the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between more business courses and job counselors and more graduating seniors who will have prospective job offers. Of course, business courses will help students with their knowledge to the society, and job counselors will help to improve students' resumes and interview skills. But the arguer does not take into account other important factors that might effect the employment, such as individual major subject, the condition of the company, the request of the employer, etc. Without considering these factors, the arguer could not draw any conclusion about the graduating employment.