中国炒股最厉害的人:英语好的好心人 谁能帮我看看这大概什麽意思?

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 08:04:14
It is often said that the war of 1939-45 was much more of a dividing line between generations now alive than any other experience. As a statement it is accurate as far as it goes. What it fails to recognize is that the years 1939-45 gave rise to age groups, the second of which was as isolated from subsequent generations by its experience as it was form its predecessors. The first of these groups reached maturity just before or during the years of the war. Call-up took them into the forces on their eighteenth birthday. They served as soldiers, airmen, sailors or marines all over the globe. Those that survived, acquired on demobilization the chance of a free university education, provided they had or could quickly acquire the necessary qualifications. A whole age group of those who had left grammar school at eighteen for clerkships or the like for reasons of economic necessity now had the chance of a university education. Amongst them were many whose interests turned to contemporary history, and a few who became academic historians interested in the 1930s. In their approach they were to be as heavily influenced by the Popular Front version of ‘anti-appeasement’ as their predecessors; they were, however, to move in their views away form this approach as the experience of the 1950s developed. And they were also to be very much subject to the concentration upon British foreign policy as an extension of British developments through which their successors, as noted below.

它时常被说 1939-45 战争超过任何其他的经验在世代之间的分度线活着的现在是更多。 当做一份陈述它是正确的当做遥远地当做它去。 它无法认识的是 1939 年-45 提供了上升变老团体, 第二个哪一个是同样地从后来世代起藉着它的经验隔离当它是形式它的前任。 这些团体的首先个达成了成熟仅仅在或之前在战争的数年期间。 召集令在 th 上拿他们进入了军队

