
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 17:05:20
国《商业周刊》的数据显示:三星2004年已经上升到22名,仅以1位之差排在索尼之后,成为亚洲第二大品牌。统计数据表明,2000年,三星品牌开始发力,此后一路飙升,从2000年的43位?52亿美元?,2001年的42位?64亿美元?,2002年的34位(83亿美元),到2003年的25位(108亿美元)。 三星今天的成功在很大程度上得益于其优秀的企业文化。
成功的企业离不开优秀员工,三星从顾客、世界和未来的三个角度对三星员工的精神境界和行为方式提出了要求:与顾客同在,向世界挑战,创造出未来。从顾客的角度来思考问题,与顾客结成利益共同体 ,通过为顾客创造价值,满足顾客的需求,实现顾客的梦想,达到三星与顾客共同成长的理想状态。提升境界,思考世界中的三星 ;放眼全球,瞄准国际领先企业;增强自信,勇夺世界第一。三星人正是有了这些信念才打造出今天三星强硬的品牌。

Samsung culture
"BusinessWeek" data show : Samsung has risen to 22 in 2004, only one difference between ranked Sony, the second largest brand in Asia. Statistical data show that in 2000, the Samsung brand has made edge that has risen from 2000 43 spaces ? 5.2 billion US dollars, in 2001 the 42 spaces ? 6.4 billion US dollars, in 2002 the 34 largest (83 million), 2003 25-bits (10.8 billion US dollars). Samsung's success today is in large part due to its outstanding corporate culture. Successful enterprises from outstanding staff, from customer Samsung, the world and the future perspectives of three Samsung employees in the spiritual realm and behavior request : with the customers in the world the challenges to create the future. From the customer perspective on the issue, a community of interests with clients, through the creation of value for customers and meet customer needs, achieve the dream of customers, and customers to grow Samsung ideal state. Upgrade realm, think of the Samsung World;
Looking around the world, targeting leading enterprises;Increase self-confidence and won the world. It is precisely because of these convictions were only Samsung forge strong brand Samsung today.