
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 03:38:44
我想找一篇关于 gender difference 的英语短文 主要介绍男女性别性格差异的 长度在五六分钟差不多的 哪位帮帮忙啊 谢谢啊 大二水平的 不要太难的啊

Gender Difference这篇可以参考,不是很难的:)~~
Since Adam and Eve have been living in the first home Eden, uncountable secrets between men and women filled this Garden. Men and women’s different communication way is one of the mysteries. There are abundant of reasons to reveal varies. However, I think there are three ways in which men and women communicate differently.
First of all, men and women have different goals in communication. Women like to ask more questions, while men like to make declarative statements. The purpose of women’s communication is establishing intimacy, acceptance or support. They will ask more questions and try to gather together all the useful information from the speaker’s answers to show rapport. They may ask “Will the Company lose money if we do like that?” or “Do you think John Smith suit this position?” In contrast, men’s purpose of communication is status, authority and independence. They will declare things definitively and confidently. They will say “The Company will lose money if it does this.” or “John Smith should be fired.”

In the other hand, women apologize more and often than men do. Women think saying “I am sorry!” is a way to express understanding and caring; they like to say it to show their regrets and try to keep the conversation going. However, men don’t like to say “I am sorry!” They think it is a sign of weakness.

Finally, women talk about personal lives and emotions, while men talk about practical things and don’t discuss feelings. Women display a lot about their private lives. However, men rarely talk about their personal relationships and feelings, so women often complain that men absent-mindedly listen when they are talking. But men will compete to prove themselves better informed about current affairs, travels, sports and politics.

In conclusion, men and women do speak in very particular ways that are associated with gender. But that will not be the problem. The most important is to understand the differences communication ways, then manifesting purpose to adjust them, in order to exhibit accord in feeling or action between men and women.