
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 20:13:35

她的英文名字叫 Echo Chan

三毛是浙江省定海县人,出生於重庆,幼年跟著父母迁到台湾。1964年获张其昀特许,入中国文化大学哲学系,课业成绩优异。1967年赴马德里文哲学院留学。1971年回国在文化大学任教。1973年在非洲沙漠小镇阿尤恩与西班牙人荷西‧马利安‧葛罗结婚,婚后定居於西属撒哈拉沙漠的迦纳利岛,并以当地的生活及见闻为背景,部份加上自己的幻想,写成很多充满异国特色的作品。1979年荷西在拉芭玛岛的海中潜水时遇意外丧生。1991年三毛在台北荣总逝世,享年 48 岁。据称她是上吊自杀而死,但外界一直流传她其实是被谋杀的言论,作家张景然更在他的著作《哭泣的百合–三毛死於谋杀》中对此一说进行了一连串论证,但由於张景然的谋杀论和普遍认同的自杀论都有着一定的漏洞,三毛的真正死因从此成谜。

Sanmao (三毛) literally "three hairs" was the penname of the popular Taiwanese author Chen Ping (陈平) (March 3, 1943-January 4, 1991). In English also known as Echo or Echo Chan.

Sanmao's books mainly deals with her own experiences from studying and living abroad. They were immensely popular in Taiwan and Mainland China, and her suicide in a hospital came as a chock to many of her readers. From 1976 to the time of her death, Sanmao published more than 20 books.

Ping Chan, a famous Chinese author who has a pen name called "Three hair", is the most interesting and legenary author I have ever seen or heard of. She is very special, for she prefers to live in a desert in North Africa rather than in a city. She is very good at writing, for millions of Chinese love reading her books. She employs dessert as the background of many of her stories, which makes them even more impressive. I really like her very much, and I would as a fan of her recommend her books to you.