eve 因与果:一种濒临灭绝的动物.

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 03:19:04
有英语又要有 要有这个动物的简介

小嘴狐猴(Mouse lemur)
Mouse lemurs are among the smallest primates. Head and body length is 125-150 mm, tail length about the same, and weight ranges from 39-98 grams. They have soft fur, short snout, rounded skull prominent eyes and ears, long hind limbs and a long tail. Upper parts are usually grayish with a dark dorsal strip and distinct white median nasal stripe. Underparts are white.

Mouse lemurs are arboreal, preferring secondary forests. They are nocturnal, traveling through the branches on all fours. They use their tails for balance when leaping. Nests are made in hollow trees or are spherical leaf forms in foliage. They are omnivorous, eating insects, spiders, flowers, nectar, fruit, some gums, small frogs and lizards, insect secretions, and leaves. They are not true hibernators, but experience short periods of torpor during winter month. Breeding is confined to August through March with an estrous cycle of about 45-55 days. Gestation averages 60 days with average litters of 2-3 young. Young are weaned at about 25 days. Sexual maturity in females occurs at 10-29 months, males at 7-29 months.

小嘴狐猴是最小的灵长类. 头和身体的长度是125-150毫米,尾长短差不多,重量范围从39至98克. 有软毛,嘴短、圆颅骨,突出眼睛和耳朵,四肢长,后肢长尾巴. 背部通常是灰黑色,中间和不同部位有白色斑纹. .

小嘴狐猴喜欢在夜间活动,跳跃时,它们用自己的尾巴平衡. 巢都是用树木或空心球状叶来搭建。属于杂食性动物,吃昆虫、蜘蛛、花卉、花蜜、果实,小青蛙、蜥蜴、昆虫分泌物、叶片等等。 每年3月至8月,通过育种交配,繁殖期约45至55天. 通过平均60天的育种,成活平均2-3个.
