
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 11:31:13
A Spring Morning

It was early in the spring morning. The sun was just rising out of the eastern horizon? emitting steaks of red hue through the clouds and across the sky. Soon the campus was battled in the first rays of the sun. The lake? the trees and the bamboos looked as if they were all gilded. The ground was covered with tender grasses and the beaded dewdrops stood on their tips and reflected the sunshine.

Birds flew about in the woods twittering restlessly. Some boy students who were absorbed in reading leaned against the trees with buds peeping out from within the gray barks. A couple of girl students read English aloud while walking up and down the gravel path around the lake? where a sort of stream rose? forming a thin mist.

It was really a morning of beauty? of vigor and of hope.

这是春天的一个很早的早晨. 太阳刚刚从东方地平线上升?喷出红色闪电透过云层,Hue天际. 一首在校园中被打得太阳的光芒. 湖?树木和竹子都显得好象刀. 地面被铺上了招标、玫瑰草隆站在阳光下,反映了他们的真知灼见. 伍兹穿梭于鸟类飞行约扑出. 有些孩子被吸收学生阅读悄悄对树与花朵偷窥出在BarksGray. 经过数女生英语高声走路落砂湖周围道路?在某种细流上升?形成雾. 这实际上是一个美丽的清晨?生机和希望.
