
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/30 21:24:56
1、 他很可能正在办公室工作。(likely)
2、 这所医院将设在你们镇上。(locate)
3、 为了实现自己的目标,他将所有的业余时间都用来做实验(achieve)
4、 当我有一次踏上故土时,我兴奋不已。(set foot in)
5、 我相信你今天能完成这项工作。(rely on)
6、 我明确表态过,我不愿和她一起负担这笔费用。(make it dear)
7、 当老师一宣布出去郊游,学生们顿时兴致勃勃。(come to life)
8、 并不是所有的家长都愿意送孩子出国深造的。(not all)

1.It is likely that he is working in the office.
2.This hospital will be located in your town.
3.He spend all of his spare time doing experiment in order to achieve his goal.
4.When I set foot in my native land,I got excited very much.
5.I belive that you can finish this task today.
6.I maked it clear that I was not willing to afford this expense with her.
7.The students suddly came to life as soon as the teacher announced the outing.
8.Not all the parents are willing to send their children abroad for advanced study.

,he is likely to work at his office. 是一个错句
you made poor improvment!

1,he is likely to work at his office.
3,in order to achieve his aim, he will....
4,when i set foot in my county at once,i am very happy.
5,i belive that you can rely on the job today.
7,when teacher tell us to go out, students suddenly come to life.