
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 18:41:35
悬赏分:10 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 21 小时
悬赏分:10 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时

Summary of This Term
Ⅰ Words:
bookmark(书签) librarian(图书管理员) credit([U] 信用) hobby(爱好,复数形式为hobbies) know-all([英英] 自以为无所不知的人) know-it-all(know-all的美式说法) water sports(水上运动) super swimmer(指很厉害的游泳运动员) water-skiing([U] 滑水) canoe(独木舟,复数形式为canoes) canoeing([U] 指划独木舟这项运动) canoeist(划独木舟的选手) diving([U] 跳水) diver(跳水运动员) surfing([U] 冲浪运动) surfer(冲浪运动员) surfboard(冲浪板) surf shop(冲浪用具专卖店) serious surfer(正式冲浪运动员) the mainland(大陆,一般指中国大陆) channel(海峡) journey(艰难的旅程,trip指的是快乐的旅程,复数形式为journeys) headline(报纸的首行) sight(风景) tourist(旅游者) tour bus(旅游车) guide(向导,导游) senator(参议员) representative(代表) senate(参议院) congress(代表大会 [美] 国会,议会) nation(国家) monument(纪念碑) slave(奴隶) memorial(纪念馆) cemetery(墓地,复数形式为cemeteries) hero(英雄,复数形式为heroes) hall(大厅) Monument to the People’s Heroes([中] 人民英雄纪念碑) National People’s Congress(人民代表大会) rule(规则) leader(领导者) imagination([U] 想象力) vehicle(交通工具) kimono(和服,日本传统服装,复数形式为kimonos) the environment([U] 环境) litter(杂物) rubbish([U] 垃圾,为英国英语) dustbin(垃圾桶,为英国英语) battery(电池,复数为batteries) neighborhood(社区,街坊) environmental protection organization(环境保护组织) car(车厢) sleeping car(卧铺车厢) rail(铁轨) nightclub(夜总会) scenery([U] 景色) astronomer(天文学家) astronomy(天文学) heavenly body(天体) style(风格) shape(形状) Mercury(水星) Venus(金星) Earth(地球) Mars(火星) Jupiter(木星) Saturn(土星) Uranus(天王星) Neptune(海王星) Pluto(冥王星) a place of interest(名胜) brochure(小册子) instruction(指示) single / double room(单人/双人房间) icon(图标) tomb(坟墓) edge(边缘) rim(边缘) scuba(水肺,水中的呼吸器) coral reef(珊瑚) metal(金属) silver([U] 银) aluminum([U] 铝) platinum([U] 铂金) steel([U] 钢) nonmetal(非金属) wool([U] 羊毛) cotton([U] 棉) fleece([U] 羊毛) bracelet(手镯) jewelry([U] 珠宝) aircraft(飞行器,复数形式为aircraft) window frame(窗的框架) industry(工业) stream(小溪) particle(微粒) shark(鲨鱼) ginkgo(银杏树,复数形式为ginkgoes) watchtower(了望塔) explorer(探险家) society(社会) fable(寓言) bone(骨头) one’s own reflection(某人自己的倒影) inventor(发明家) light bulb(电灯泡) safety(安全的地方) raft(救生艇) spirit([U] 精神) bicycling(骑自行车) skyscraper(摩天大楼) harbor(港口) ferry(渡船) musical(音乐剧) customs (office)(海关) terrorist(恐怖分子) chemical weapon(化学武器) explosives(爆炸物,炸药,常以复数形式出现) explosion(爆炸) poppy(罂粟) drug trafficker(贩毒者) barn(马厩) decoration(装饰品) generosity([U] 慷慨) Savior(救世主) shepherd(牧羊人) cereal([U] 谷类食品) toast([U] 土司面包,单位名称为piece) cornflakes(玉米片) toaster(烤土司面包的机器) jelly([U] 果冻) rye([U] 黑麦) pancake(薄烤饼) syrup([U] 果汁) bacon([U] 咸肉) sausage(香肠) grapefruit(柚子) herb([U] 香草) balance([U] 平衡) nutritionist(营养学家) nutrition(营养学) dairy([U] 乳制品) grain([U] 谷物) fiber([U] 纤维) protein([U] 蛋白质) junk food(垃圾食品) preservative(防腐剂) mood(脾气,常以复数形式出现,即moods) polyester([U] 聚酯) nylon([U] 尼龙) cotton([U] 棉) leather([U] 皮革) fur([U] 皮毛) mink([U] 貂皮) writing brush(毛笔) bamboo([U] 竹子) Chinese character(汉字) disappearance(消失) earth([U] 泥土) audience([U] 观众,听众,代表一个群体,不能说an audience,要说one of the audience ) notice(告示) rule(规则) modem(调制解调器) the global village(地球村) increase([C] [U] 增长,重音在in上,即`increase) decrease([C] [U] 减少,重音在de上,即`decrease) challenge(挑战) diagram(图表) fisherman(渔民,复数形式为fishermen,读音相同) container(集装箱) port(港口) fishing boat(渔船) fishing net(渔网) hemisphere(半球) rival(竞争对手,注意,课本中为rivel,这是打印错误) Scandinavian(斯堪的纳维亚人,即北欧一带的人,包括挪威,瑞典,丹麦,冰岛,芬兰) sturgeon(鲟) caviar([U] 鱼子酱) liar(撒谎的人) ad(advertisement,广告) playmate(玩伴) education([U] 教育,学业) vet(兽医) earthquake(地震) pearl(珍珠) revolution(革命) the War of Independence(独立战争) section(部分) dome(圆屋顶) common(公共草地) pond(池塘) granite([U] 花岗岩) column(圆柱) battle(战役) performance([U] 表现) goal(球门) goalkeeper(守门员) striker(前锋) defender(后卫) midfielder(中锋) captain(队长) coach(教练) the first half(上半场) teamwork(齐心协力) check-out(收银处) description(描述) pouch(育儿袋) ostrich(鸵鸟) robber(抢劫者) robbery(抢劫案) victim(受害者) pickpocket(扒手) theft(盗窃案) detective(侦探) inspector(探长) criminal(罪犯) excuse(借口) witness(目击证人) crime(犯罪) height(高度) climber(登山者) profession(职业(运动)) mountaineer(专业登山运动员) mist([U] 薄雾) range(山脉) cliff(峭壁) alpenstock(登山杖) tent(帐篷) cylinder(圆筒) self-respect([U] 自尊) routine(常规) airline(航空公司) closet(衣橱) furniture([U] 家具,为不可数名词,量词要用a piece of furniture) farming([U] 农业) seed([C] [U] 种子) plow(犁) tractor(拖拉机) cultivator(播种机) swather(打谷机) threshing machine(联合收割机) mule(骡子) poultry(家禽) population(种类,相当于variety) entertainment([U] 娱乐圈) lyric(抒情诗) shore(岸,海滨) seashore(海岸,海滨) shell(贝壳) pebble(鹅卵石) dune(沙丘) lithograph(平版画) district(地区) institute(协会) goods(货物,商品,无单数形式) zone(地域,地区) a work of art(艺术品,复数形式为works of art) basketball court(篮球场地) golf court(高尔夫球场地) borough(自治区) commodity([U] 小商品,日用品) wholesaler(批发商) weeping willow(垂柳) neon light(霓虹灯) zoologist(动物学家) zoology(动物学) tail(尾巴) emotion([C] 情绪,情感) anger([U] [情感] 愤怒,生气) joy([C] [情感] 快乐,高兴) grief([U] [情感] 悲伤) excitement([U] [情感] 激动) handrail(把手) vine(藤) branch(树枝) boa (constrictor)(蟒蛇) ceiling(天花板) purpose(目的) Paradise(天堂) Christian(基督教徒) silence([U] 沉默,沉静) heavy industry(重工业) light industry(轻工业) ownership(所有权) share = stock(份额,股份) stock exchange(证券交易所) stockholder(股东) index(指数) stockbroker(股票经纪人,帮别人炒股的人) record(重音顺序为`--,纪录) oyster(牡蛎) producer(生产商) corporation(公司) tax(税,税款) petrochemical(石油化工产品) income(收入) appliance([U] 家电) manufacturing industry(制造产业) hurricane(飓风,狂风) balcony(阳台,复数形式为balconies) iron([U] 铁) courtyard(庭院,院子) jazz([U] 爵士乐) saxophone(萨克斯) plantation(种植园) sugar cane([U] 甘蔗) orchard(果园) attic(阁楼,顶楼) basement(地下室) tornado(旋风,龙卷风,复数形式为tornados) lawn(草坪) (lawn)mower(剪草机) weed([U] 野草) hoe(锄头) suburb(市郊,郊区) valley(山谷) ages(=a long time,一段比较长的时间) jaw(颚) the upper/lower jaw(上/下颚) paw(爪子) roar(吼叫) settler(移民者) native(本地人) tribe(部落) chief(酋长,复数形式为chiefs) fighter(战士) taboo(宗教禁忌) culture(文化,文明) enemy(敌人) anthropologist(人类学家) anthropology( 人类学) calorie(卡路里,能量的单位名称,复数形式为calories) content(含量) nutrient(营养物质) protein([U] 蛋白质) vitamin([U] 维生素) milligram(毫克) avocado(鳄梨,复数形式为avocadoes或avocados) oven(烤炉,烤箱) feast(筵席)
several(几个) so-called(所谓的) full-time(全部时间的,专任的) part-time(兼职的,部分时间的) national(国家的) recycling(可循环的) enjoyable(令人愉快的) lively(活跃的) underdressed(衣着不正式) overdressed(衣着过于正式) photographic(照相的) tiny(细小的) alike(相似的) private(私人的) undersea(海底的) greedy(贪婪的) frustrated(失败的) traditional(传统的) kind-hearted(热心的) generous(慷慨的) imaginary(想象的,假想的) scrambled(油炸的) boiled(沸腾的) poached(水煮的) artificial(人工的) moody(喜怒无常的) bad-tempered(脾气不好的) ordinary(普通的) digital(数字的,数码的) fragile(易碎的) northern(北方的) southern(南方的) western(西部的) eastern(东部的) crowded(拥挤的) secondhand(二手的) average(普通的) harmless(无害的) lonely(孤独的,寂寞的) rewarding(有益的,值得的) smelly(发臭的) painful(疼痛的) modern(现代化的) cultural(文化的) historical(历史的) gold-covered(被金覆盖住的) amazing(令人惊异的) confident(自信的) rough(粗野的) scared(害怕的) misty(薄雾笼罩的) steep(陡峭的) alive(活着的) essential(必不可少的) gentle(平缓的,指山坡不陡峭) shiny(发亮的,发光的) wild(野生的) ancient(古代的) hybrid(杂交的) tame(驯服的) fine(极好的,相当于excellent) fascinating(着迷的) learned(有学问的,学术上的) giant(巨大的) European(欧洲式的) cultural(文化的) changeable(可改变的) powerful(强大的,有力的) timid(胆小的) forbidden(禁止的) sacred(神圣的) certain(一定(量)的) roast(烤制的) subtropical(亚热带的) wroth(值得…)
probably(很可能,大概地) hardly(几乎不…) absolutely(绝对地) thus(这样,如此) mostly(主要地,大部分) fairly(相当地,后面加的是褒义词) rather(相当地,后面加的是贬义词) differently(不同地) recently(最近,相当于not long ago) way(远远地) someday(某一天) properly(正常地) unfortunately(不幸地)
renew(更新,续借) encourage(鼓励,encouraged,encouraged) canoe(划独木舟,canoed,canoed) dive(跳水,dived,dived) surf(冲浪) describe(形容,described,described) free(解放,freed,freed) bury(埋葬,buried,buried) imagine(想象,imagined,imagined) harm(损害) spit(吐(痰),spat,spat) collect(搜集) support(支持) bowl(打保龄球) book(预订) mine(开采) mount(镶嵌) tarnish(失去光泽) replace(代替) float(漂浮) attack(攻击) explore(探索) appear(出现) bark(吠叫) frighten(吓唬) graduate(毕业,完成学业) picnic(野餐,注意,picnic的现在分词是picnicking) sniff(用力吸,用力嗅) decorate(装饰) overeat(吃过量,overate,overeaten) suggest(提示,提醒) affect(影响) disappear(消失) appear(出现) explain(解释) dig(挖,dug,dug) obey(遵守) prevent(预防) launch(发射(火箭)) provide(提供,provided,provided) increase(增长,重音在crease上面,即in`crease) decrease(减少,重音在crease上面,即de`crease) multiply(乘以…) prefer(更愿意做某事,过去式为preferred) freeze(冷冻,froze,frozen) defrost(解冻) fillet(把(鱼、肉)切成片) worry(撕咬) lie(撒谎,lied,lied) tell(分辨) wag(摇摆,wagging,wagged,wagged) treat(治疗) heal(治愈) rock(摇动) mark(标志) shoot(射,shot,shot) kick(踢) score(得分) beat(打败,beat,beaten) expect(期望) spill(溅出,spilt,spilt) describe(形容,described, described) rob(抢劫,robbed, robbed) measure(丈量,测量,measured, measured) escape(逃跑,逃脱,escaped, escaped) trap(陷入困境,trapped, trapped) bang(猛击) ride(搭乘) curl((使)卷曲) farm(耕种,干农活) sow(播种,sowed,sown) plow(耕田) cultivate(耕种) supply(提供,supplied,supplied) reap(收割) thresh(打谷) combine(联合) breed(繁殖,bred,bred) accompany(陪伴) bend(弯曲,bent,bent) fascinate(使…着迷,fascinated,fascinated) behave(举动,举止,behaved,behaved) hibernate(冬眠,hibernated,hibernated) weep(哭泣,wept,wept) mourn(哀悼) raise(募集,raised,raised) rebuild(重建) record(重音顺序为-`-,记录) earn(赚,挣) merge(合并,merged,merged) manufacture(制造,加工) raise(=plant,种植) mow(剪草) weed(除草) recognize(认出) save(存款) nibble(一点一点地咬) roar(吼叫) squeak(吱吱叫,形容老鼠的叫声) squeeze(挤) beg(乞求,乞讨,begged, begged) punish(惩罚) roast(烘烤) stuff(填充)
Hawaii(夏威夷) Honolulu(火奴鲁鲁,夏威夷州首府) Waikiki(怀基基海滩) Bondi Beach(邦戴海滩) Newquay Cape Town the Capitol Building(国会大厦) the House of Representatives(下议院) the Supreme Court(最高法院) the White House(白宫) the Great Hall of the People(人民大会堂) Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) the Empire State Building(纽约国会大厦,Empire State是纽约州的nickname) Broadway(百老汇) the Wall Street(美国华尔街) the Gobi Desert(戈壁沙漠) Nepal(尼泊尔) (the island of) Cyprus(塞浦路斯岛) Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹,荷兰首都) Holland(荷兰) Belgium(比利时) Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯) United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯联合酋长国,简称阿联酋,缩写为UAE) Nigeria(尼日利亚) Brussels(布鲁塞尔,比利时首都) Louisiana(路易斯安那州)
per(每一) besides(除了) against(对抗) around(=about,大约)
whether(是否) however(然而)

Ⅱ Phrases:
on different subjects(关于不同的科目) encourage sb. to do(鼓励某人做某事) come up with(提出,想出) ride waves(在浪之间穿梭) live to(为…而生的) come across sb. / sth. (遇到某人或某事) so far(迄今为止) come true(实现,变成现实) together with(和) slow down(降低速度) the pride of(…的骄傲) speak highly of(称赞) take a tour of(做一次旅行) take … around(带领…转一圈) vote on(表决) a copy of(一份) such (a/an) + adj. +n. reach up into the sky(直插云霄) vote for(投票支持) vote against(投票反对) so many books = such a lot of books so much trouble = such a lot of trouble do well/badly in(在某方面做得好/不好) make a contribution to doing/sth.(对…有贡献) come out(照片冲洗出来) offer sth. to(提供…) an expert on(某方面的专家) an interview with sb.(对某人的一次采访) in just the right place(恰好在正确的位置上) search the Internet(在网上搜索资料) one’s stay at(某人在某处的经历) in the old days(在以前) for one thing(首先) feed on(以…为食) come in different sizes / shapes…(不同的大小/形状) warn sb. about(警告某人) be amazed at(着迷于…) make it possible by doing(因为做了某事而使另一件事实现) draw a moral(讲出寓意) grab … away(把…抢走) turn … down / up(把…关小 / 开大) at the age of(在…岁时) be able to(能够) during one’s lifetime(在某人的一生中) get sb. to do(让某人做某事) try out(试验,尝试) have nothing to do with(和…没有关系) give sb. a new start in life(给某人生命中一个新的开始) be thankful to sb. for sth. / doing sth.(对某人很感激) think much of(重视,尊重) make it(达到目标) have confidence in(对…有信心) stop for (sth.)(为停下来吃/喝) stand out(突出,显眼) the heart of(…的中心) be trained to do(被训练做某事) sniff at(嗅,闻…) sniff out sth.(发现,寻找) get through the Costumes(通过海关) take drugs(吸毒) the arrival of = the coming of put up(挂起) decorate … with …(用…装饰…) go from (house) to (house) doing(从(一间房子)走到(另一间房子),一边走一边做某事) be based on(以…为依据) be to do(将要做某事) go by = go past = pass(经过…旁边 ) the diet of …(…的饮食) start … with(以…开始) finish … with(以…结束) lose one’s balance(失去平衡) keep one’s balance(保持平衡) be high in …(在…中含量很高) be low in …(在…中含量很低) cut out(停止,放弃) cut down on(减少) be made of …(由…制成,一般肉眼可以直接看出) be made from …(由…制成,一般肉眼不能直接看出) tell the time(显示时间) be used as …(被当作…使用) be on display(在展览的) be covered with feathers(被羽毛覆盖) long before(很早以前) so that(为的是) a notice to …(给…的告示) more or less(或多或少) prevent … from(预防) because of = thanks to(因为,后面加名词或短语) put … together(装配) have a good knowledge of …(在…方面有很多知识) set one’s mind to do(下决心做某事) prefer to do … rather than do …(宁愿…,也不愿…) be worth …(价值…) far away from …(离…很远) a flock of sheep(一群羊,注意,量词用的是flock) come (running) to do sth.((跑步)过来做某事) cry wolf(谎报军情) tell lies(撒谎) be excited about(为…而激动) be worn out(穿旧了) have to = have got to(不得不) buy sth. online(在线购买某物) live out in the country(住在乡村) an ad for …(一则…的广告) make a decision(做一个决定) have sth. done = ask sb. else to do sth. for you regard … as …(把…看作…) keep a pet(饲养宠物) be grateful to sb. for doing sth.(对某人做的某事而感激) make up one’s mind to do(下决心做某事) have some experience in doing sth.(在做某事上有经验) before long = soon after get an injection(打针) give sb. an injection(给某人打针) as if(好像) be busy with(忙于…) be just in time to do(恰好及时做了某事) belong to(属于) at the time of(在…时候) be home to(成为…的家) the battle of(…战役) the very best of(最好的…) be pleased with(对…感到高兴) carry on doing sth.(持续做某事) kick a goal(射门并进球) make a successful shot(进球) A beat B = B lose to A from start to finish(从开始到结束) make the score 1-0(把比分改写成1-0) expect (sb.) to do sth.(希望(某人)做某事) spill … over / on(…溅到…) from now on(从现在起) match one’s description(与某人的形容地一样) run away with(带着…逃跑) break into(破门而入) the victim of(…的受害者) steal sth. from sb.(从某人处偷得某物) one’s excuse for (not) doing(借口(不)干某事) a witness to(…的目击证人) give a description(描述,形容) be known to sb.(被某人知道) keep sb. alive(使某人存活下来) go after(追逐) meet sb. halfway(在半路上遇见某人) fall short of(不足,缺乏) be in charge of(负责…) be happy in one’s career(从事某项职业很快乐) more or less = or so(大约,差不多,要加在修饰的词后面) give sb. a ride(让某人搭乘) go to sales(去买打折商品) put sb. up(借宿) be / get used to doing(习惯于做某事,后面加的是doing,不是do) make a reservation for / of sth.(预约某物) in place of = instead of(代替,in place of的用法于instead of的用法类似) suggest (to sb.宾格) sb.主格 should do sth.(建议某人做某事,注意,这里介词用的是to) give sb. a helping hand with sth. / in doing(帮助某人) hear of(听到…消息) B.C. = before Christ(公元前) supply sth. to sb. = supply sb. with sth.(给某人提供某物) cross … with …(把…与…杂交) across between … with …(…与…的杂交品种) be known for(因为…而被知道) take a trip to(做一次旅行) back and forth(来回地) find sb./sth. + adj.(发现…很…,如find her fascinating) keep … away(防范…) live off(靠…生活) stand on(靠…站立) a second/third/fourth … leg = another leg(另一条腿) hold on to(紧抓住) hang (from …) by …(靠…挂(在…)) weep for(为…而流泪) mourn for sb.(哀悼某人) the loss/death of sb.(某人的死) call … for short(简称) on record(纪录上) get a loan(贷款) a producer of sth. = a sth. producer(某产品的生产商) earn money by doing = make money from sth.(靠…赚钱) make up(组成) earn one’s living (by doing)((靠…)生活) in town(在城市中) way(adv.) out of town(离城市很远) the heart of(…的中心) keep one’s (European) feeling(保持(欧洲式的)风格) stop for sth. to eat/drink(停下来吃/喝点东西) keep sth. as they were more than 100 years ago(保持它们100多年前的样子) much too + adj.(太…,一般是指不好的,如much too expensive) in some way(s)(在某些方面) nibble (on/at) sth.(在某物上一点一点地咬) beg to do sth.(乞求做某事) teach sb. a lesson(给某人一个教训) look down on(轻视,蔑视) draw a lesson (from …)((从…)得到一个教训) believe in(信仰) a sort of(一种…) catch disease() an increase(n.) in …(…方面的增长) a decrease(n.) in …(…方面的下降) have something to do with(与…有联系) have a high fat content(有很高的脂肪含量) put sth. inside a turkey(把某物放进一只火鸡里面) stuff a turkey with(用…填充火鸡) a herd of camel(一群骆驼,注意,量词是herd,而不是flock) prepare dinner = get the dinner ready(准备晚饭) prepare for dinner = get ready for dinner(准备吃晚饭,注意与前面两个词组的区别)

Ⅲ Patterns and expressions:
Ø Have you got any friends from abroad?
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
(这里需注意,have got = have,但是助动词不一样,have got用have,have用do)
Ø Have you ever learned this pattern?
Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
Ø Grandma lost the book and can’t find it. What was worse, she lost more books.(what was worse放在句中,起到承上启下的作用,表示一种更坏的情况)
Ø Once you start, it’s hard to stop.(once的意思为“一旦”)
Ø Hawaii is famous for the beach for water sports, especially surfing, it attracts lots of people to the island.(… be famous for…, especially…, … attract to…是一个非常常用的句式)

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