
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 16:48:01
2005年8月10日,美国国际贸易委员会在《联邦纪事》上发布公告称,正式对来自中国进口的环状焊接非合金钢管(又称为"标准钢管"立案) 进行"421特别保障措施"调查.2006年1月4日,美国总统布什将根据中国的标准钢管"扰乱"美国市场的情形,作出是否采取救济措施的最终决定.
而在2个月后的11月11日, ConnecticutSteelCorp等五家美国钢铁制造商又向美国商务部和国际贸易委员会提出申请,要求对来自包括中国在内的进口碳合金盘条进行反倾销调查,并征收330%的反倾销税.
钢铁行业一直是贸易摩擦领域的重灾区.从1996年到2002年, 世界各国对中国钢铁业发起的反倾销和保障措施多达21件,是中国遭受贸易摩擦损害最多的行业.
中国,已经成为出口钢铁的"发动机".而出口钢材价格的低廉, 也成为国外"抵抗"的把柄.



On August 10, 2005,The American international trade committee at "Federation Discipline Matter" on issued the announcement stated,To comes from China to import ring-like officially welds the unalloyed steel pipe (to be called "standard steel pipe" to put on record) carries on "421 to safeguard specially the measure" investigation 2006 year on January 4,American President Bush will harass the "US market according to China's standard steel pipe" the situation,Makes whether takes the relief measure the finally decision
Not come singly but in pairs,This May,European Union on once proposed urgently starts "to the Chinese textile to guarantee the" procedure especially
But after 2 months on November 11, ConnecticutSteelCorp and so on five American steel and iron manufacturer hands in the application to the American department of commercial affairs and the international trade committee,The request to comes from carries on including China's import carbon alloy wire rod instead dumps the investigation,And levies 330% instead dumps the tax
The steel and iron profession always is the trade friction domain victimized personsFrom 1996 to 2002, The various countries initiates to the Chinese steel industry instead dumps with the safeguard measure reaches 21,Is China suffers the trade friction to harm most professions
Although before this US also once repeatedly launched an attack to the Chinese steel products,But China's steel and iron profession now can not but enhance vigilance:This time puts on record with the investigation,Cannot be together the independent case,But is very possible first which is "in dominoes" drops downOnce the Chinese enterprise lost a lawsuit,Will lose the American market not merely the right and wrong alloy welded pipe,A series of Chinese steel and iron product all possibly one after another will encounter guarantees especially with instead dumps the investigation
China,Already became exported the steel and iron "engine".But exports the steel products price inexpensive, Also becomes overseas "to resist" the handle
Question supplement that, Translates "English". Extremely thanks.

On August 10, 2005,The American international trade committee at "Federation Discipline Matter" on issued the announcement stated,To comes from China to import ring-like officially welds the unalloyed steel pipe (to be called "standard steel pipe" to put on record) carries on "421 to safeguard specially the measure" investigation 2006 year on January 4,American President Bush will harass the "US market according to China's standard steel pipe" the situation,Makes whether takes the relief measure the finally decision
Not come singly but in pairs,This May,European Union on once proposed urgently starts "to the Chinese textile to guarantee the" procedure especially
But after 2 months on November 11, ConnecticutSteelCorp and so on five American steel and iron manufacturer hands in the application to the American department of commercial affairs and the international trade committee,The request to comes from carries on including China's import carbon alloy wire rod instead dumps the investigation,And levies 330% instead dumps the tax
The steel and iron profession always is the trade friction domain victimized personsFrom 1996 to 2002, The various countries initiates to the Chinese steel industry instead dumps with the safeguard measure reaches 21,Is China suffers the trade friction to harm most professions
Although before this US also once repeatedly launched an attack to the Chinese steel products,But China's steel and iron profession now can not but enhance vigilance:This time puts on record with the investigation,Cannot be together the independent case,But is very possible first which is "in dominoes" drops downOnce the Chinese enterprise lost a lawsuit,Will lose the American market not merely the right and wrong alloy welded pipe,A series of Chinese steel and iron product all possibly one after another will encounter guarantees especially with instead dumps the investigation
China,Already became exported the steel and iron "engine".But exports the steel products price inexpensive, Also becomes overseas "to resist" the handle
Question supplement that, Translates "English". Extremely thanks.