
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/30 00:32:43


为了纪念她的祖国波兰,她将一种元素命名为钋(polonium),另一种元素命名为镭(Radium),意思是“赋予放射性的物质”。为了制得纯净的镭化合物,居里夫人又历时四(MarieCuI7e,1867--1934)载,从数以吨计的沥青铀矿的矿渣中提炼出1O0 mg氯化镭,并初步测量出镭的相对原子质量是225。这个简单的数字中凝聚着居里夫妇的心血和汗水。




Madame Curie is the great physicist, she is born in Poland, the
genuine name is called Mary, because married to French young scholar
other Egypt you curie, afterwards is called Madame Curie. She and the
husband joint effort, discovered and confirmed the radium element
existence. How under do we want to tell everybody curie husband and
wife discover radium this kind of mystical matter.

In 1898 the French physicist shell might force you
(AntoineHenriBecquerel) to discover the uranium-bearing ore could emit
one kind of mystical beam, but has not been able to promulgate this
kind of beam the mystery. Mary and her husband other Egypt you curie
(Pierrecurie) undertook together has studied this kind of beam the
work. They under the extremely difficult condition, carry on the
separation and the analysis to the pitchblende, finally and in
December discovered two kind of new elements successively in July,

For commemorate her motherland Poland, she names one kind of element
as 钋 (polonium), another kind of element names as the radium
(Radium), the meaning is "entrusts with the radioactive matter". For
make the pure radium compound, Madame Curie lasts four (MarieCuI7e,
1867--1934) carries, in the pitchblende gangue which counts by the ton
refines 1O0 from the number the mg radium chloride, and the
preliminary survey radium relative atomic mass is 225. In this simple
numeral is condensing the curie husbands' and wives' painstaking care
and the sweat.

In June, 1903, Madame Curie by "Radioactive substance Research" as
doctor replied the paper obtains the University of Paris physics
doctorate. In November, curie husband and wife are awarded David in
the same year by the Royal Society 金质 the medal. In December, they
might force you with the shell altogether to attain in 1903 the Nobel
physics prize.
In 1906, other Egypt you curie suffered the traffic accident to die.
This serious attack has not caused her to give up the rigid pursue,
she suppresses the scientific enterprise which sorrowfully redoubles
one's efforts completes them to love. She continues in the University
of Paris the husband course, to become this school first female
professor. In 1910, her famous work "Discussed Radioactivity" a book
publication. With seeks, she with others cooperation analytically pure
metal radium, and determines its nature. She has also determined the
oxygen and other elements half-lives, published a series of about
radioactive has been importantly discussing. In view of the fact that
the above great achievements, in 1911 she forked has won the Nobel
chemistry prize, becomes great scientist which in the history first
two time won the Nobel prize.

This position fully enjoyed the scientific sweetness and bitterness
the radioactive science founder, because many year arduous struggle
became ill because of overwork, contracts the malignant anemia
(leukemia) to pass away unfortunately in July 4, 1934, she for
humanity's scientific enterprise, has offered up the glory life.

Madame Curie is the great physicist, she is born in Poland, the genuine name is called Mary, because married for French young scholar other Egypt you - curie, afterwards was called Madame Curie. She and the husband together tries hard, discovers and confirmed the radium element existence. Under do we have to tell everybody curie husbands and wives are how discover radium this kind of mystical matter. In 1898 the French physicist shell might lux you (AntoineHenriBecquerel) discover 含铀矿 the thing could emit one kind of mystical beam, but not could promulgate this kind of beam the mystery. Mary and her husband other Egypt you - curie (Pierrecurie) together undertook studies this kind of beam the work. They under the extremely difficult condition, to 沥青铀矿 carry on the separation and the analysis, finally and in December successively discovered two kind of new elements in July, 1898. For commemorate her motherland Poland, she names one kind of element as 钋 (polonium), another kind of element names as the radium (Radium), the meaning is " entrusts with the radioactive matter ". For make the pure radium compound again, Madame Curie lasts four (MarieCuI7e, 1867--1934) carries, counts by the ton 沥青铀矿 in the gangue refines 1o0 from the number the mg radium chloride, and initially surveys the radium relatively 原子质量 is 225. In this simple numeral condenses the curie husbands' and wives' painstaking care and the sweat. In June, 1903, Madame Curie by " radioactive substance research " as doctor replied the paper obtained the University of Paris physics doctorate. Same year in November, the curie husbands and wives are awarded David by the Royal Society the gold medal chapter. In December, they again might lux you altogether attain with the shell in 1903 the Nobel physics prize. In 1906, other Egypt you - curie suffered the traffic accident died. This serious attack has not certainly caused she gives up holds the pursue, she strongly endures the scientific enterprise which sorrowfully doubles diligently completes them loves. She continues in University of Paris the husband course to get down, to become this school first female professor. In 1910, her name " was discussing radioactivity " one book publication. With seeks, she cooperates 分析纯 the metal radium with the others, and determines its nature. She also determined the oxygen and other elements 半衰 the time, published a series of about radioactive importantly discusses. In view of the fact that the above significant achievement, in 1911 she forked wins the Nobel chemistry prize, becomes great scientist which in the history first two time won the Nobel prize. This position fully enjoys the scientific sweetness and bitterness the radioactive science founder, because the many years arduous struggle became ill because of overwork, contracts the malignant anemia (leukemia) unfortunately died to July 4th, 1934, she for humanity's scientific enterprise, offered up the glory life.
