
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/01 12:21:23

5.1 Title Page

A title page must include:
• the course name
• a course or unit number
• your name and student number
• your lecturer’s name
• date of submission.

5.2 Contents Page

This may not be necessary but should be included when there are a number of sections and appendices to your paper.

5.3 Synopsis

A synopsis, sometimes referred to as an abstract, summarises the argument of the submission. It should be no more than five per cent of the nominated word limit. This synopsis helps the reader preview the content of the essay and assists them in following the thread of your argument. It also tests whether or not you adequately grasp the essentials of your arguments. The synopsis should be clearly labelled and presented before the body of your essay.

5.4 Body of Essay

All essays should include a brief introduction to the topic, followed by an analysis of the issues raised by the topic and then flow into the development of an objective argument that leads to a clear conclusion. You may also wish to address counter arguments that may be raised in relation to the assigned topic and why you believe the case you have presented in your answer is stronger and more valid than any other alternative position.
Table 11 Checklist to improve your essay style 
Use plain English
Link paragraphs
Use gender inclusive language (see Ch. 8.12)

Spell out all acronyms initially
Use correct punctuation
Active rather than passive voice
Vary sentence length
Check spelling & grammar

Careful use of headings can assist the reader to navigate your document, quickly identifying the key concepts. Visually the use of headings also helps the reader by providing a break from numerous paragraphs of 11pt body text. Beware of long-winded headings or too-many levels of sub-headings. Whether numbered, indented, or differentiated by font size or colour, your headings should clearly demonstrate their relative importance in introducing chapters, sections or sub-sections.

Proof read your final version before submitting it. Electronic spell checking only looks for words spelt incorrectly, not words used incorrectly e.g. from/form; quite/quiet; for/fro; weather/whether etc. (For more information see Chapter 8)

5.5 Reference list

A Reference list includes only those sources that are cited in the text of the essay and includes any books, websites, journals, articles and any other sources referenced.

A bibliography lists not only sources cited in-text, but other sources used to obtain a background understanding of the topic. Only provide a bibliography if you are asked to do so.

5.6 Appendices

These contain any material that supports or amplifies what has already been said in the body of the essay (e.g. expert evidence, questionnaires, statistical tables, charts, and diagrams).

Additional information can be attached to your essays in the form of an appendix (or appendices) where you believe this to be useful though not essential to your argument. When appendices are used, you need to be sure to draw the reader’s attention to them in the text of the essay and also refer to them in the contents page. An appendix can be useful when you have relevant detail that if included in the body of your essay, would distract the reader from a closely reasoned argument.

5.7 Word Limits

Word limits are designed to help you write succinctly. Your lecturers and teachers are experienced writers and understand the complexities of the assessment and written tasks they are setting you. If your word limit is 1000 words most assessors will stop reading at that point, therefore it is sensible not to exceed any set word limit.
