
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/08 11:50:08
Alough we know the time interval and the day specific open market operations occurred, we do not know the precise time when a specific security is bought or sold. Earlier studies have shown that the reaction time to a public announcement is immediate.For example Jones,Lamont,and Lumsdaine(1998)fid that announcement-day bond volatility induced by news of producer prices reflect public information quickly. Balduzzi,Elton,and Green(1999) and Fleming and Remolona(1999) document that U.S.government bond prices react to news in the major macroeconomic announcements almost instantaeously. There fore, we have not examined asset price reaction to specific trades but instead focus on the reaction of asset prices during Fed Time.

尽管我们能够了解进行某项公开市场操作的日期以及间隔时间,但我们无法得知某一特定证券被买入或卖出的精确时间。先前的研究表明,市场对公开信息披露的响应几乎是立即发生的。例如,Jones, Lamont, 和Lumsdaine(1998)发现在信息公开日由生产者价格引发的债券波动对于信息公开的反应是极其迅速的。Balduzzi, Elton, 和Green(1999)以及Fleming和Remolona(1999)也指出美国国债价格对于重要宏观经济信息披露所作出的反应几乎是立即的。因此,我们无需考量资产价格对于特定交易的反应,相反,我们应该关注资产价格在联邦信息公开时的反应。

公开市场操作open market operations