
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/03 12:42:51

New Deal and its comments

1. Check and balance system:

2. WASPs

3. Melting pot

4. Mississippi

5. Boston Tea Party

6. Emancipation Proclamation

1.美国的政治系统:the executive, the justice, the legislature
行政机构(政府) 司法(法院) 立法(议会)
美国管这叫Check and balance system,权力制约和平衡的政治系统。

2 WASPs祖先是英国新教徒的美国人,当美国还是英国殖民地时,英大批移民入美,他们就是祖先。直译:a White Protestant of Anglo-Saxon ancestry.祖先是盎格鲁·撒克逊人的白种新教徒

3.Melting pot字面意思大熔炉,这个词通常形容美国,因为它是移民国家,人种很多,融合起来。另外,中国的火锅是 hot pot

4.密西西比河(发源于美国中北部湖沼区,南注墨西哥湾,是世界上最大的河流之一), 密西西比州(美国州名)

5 Boston tea party波士顿茶叶事件,这是美历史上的一次经济危机的导火索。


1,A:Three branches of the Government check each other ahd keep balance of power.


2,WASPs=Traditionally, the mainstream Americans were called WASPs, that is, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.

3,cultures from all over the world to find common ground

4,MISSISSIPPI(密西西比): 来源于印第安语,意思 是"father of waters","水之父"。

5,Boston tea party. (1), [美]波士顿茶叶事件(1773年12月波士顿人袭击英国茶船; 将船上 价值一万八千镑的茶叶倾入海中).

6,The Emancipation Proclamation----After the Civil war began, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to win more support at home and abroad. It granted freedom to all slaves in areas still controlled by the Confederacy.