
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/05 22:18:02
怎样在"Windows Movie Maker"里制作动态电影啊?教教我,我第一次作,怎么也不会,帮帮忙吧。

人生一世,就好比是一次搭车旅行,要经历无数次上车、下车; 时常有事故发生; 有时是意外惊喜,有时却是刻骨铭心的悲伤……
Life is just like a train journey. People get on and then get off. There are always somthing happening that make people happy or sad.
We get on the train the moment we are born. And we assume the first two people we meet---our father and mother, will be by our side forever.
Pity that the fact is quite the opposite. They will get off at a stop, leaving us behind and helpless. Their love and affection can never be found again, as well as their irreplaceable company. However, there are others that remain beside us, and some of them would have special meaning for our lives. Among them are our brothers and sisters and friends. And we shall experience love stories that will last forever.
In the train, some travel with an easy mind but some with great sadness...and some, running here and there, are always ready to help anyone in need...
很多人下车后,其它旅客对他们的回忆历久弥新… …但是,也有一些人,当他们离开座位时,却没有人察觉。有时候,对你来说,情深义重的旅伴却坐到了另一节车厢。你只得远离他,继续你的旅程。
Many people get off and still leave a vivid impression on others who remain on...But there are also people that leave without being noticed.
Sometimes, one of your companions who have significant meaning for you mey get seated in another carriage. You have to continue your journey without him.
Of course you can stagger across your own carriage to his to find him...but it's a pity that you can never again sit beside him because there is already somebody else by his side...Never mind. The journey is full of challenge, dream, hope, departure... anyting but a second chance. So do your best to enjoy your journey!
Treat all the people you meet well and find their virtue.
Remember, during the journey, some people may stray or falter because we ourselves may stray or falter too, and we should understand others because we ourselves also need to be understood.