
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 18:44:57
baby apples

Two years ago my little semi-dwarf Red Gravenstein Apple tree had it's first crop of about 20 apples. I was thrilled! I ate them fresh off the tree, made a couple pies, and dreamed of what would come the following year (last year) since fruit crops will increase over time. Well, mostly that's what happens.
All fruit trees have cycles. Crops will be heavier some years and they have a "resting" year, where the crop will be really light. Last year was my "rest" year and being such a young tree really light meant no apples at all! I was so sad.

This year, however, the tree was covered with blossoms and I can already see lots of little baby apples making their way into the world! Hooray! The tricky part now is that I didn't do worm prevention when I should have. :-( I'm going to have to keep my fingers crossed that not too many are affected... And I probably should thin them so that the fruit quality and size is better. I hate killing the babies, though. We'll see if I actually ever get around to it.



Any one has experience with Home Depot window purchase and installation? Are their price negotiable? Do they offer quality work? Any comments will be appreciated.

Installation offered at Home Depot is not performed by H.D.own employees rather independent contractors. The worst over priced bid I ever dealt with. Never will deal with H.D. contractor again. Purchase window from H.D. is a different story.


We play soccer at Bothell business park during lunch
time on weekdays, but it is not organized, just come
and play. We are thinking recruit enough people to
form a team so we can compete regularly with other
teams, we might play a game once a week or once every
2 weeks during weekend.

The soccer field at Bothell business park is turf
field, standard professional field. It is 10 times
better than the mud field on which most of us used to
play in our home country. Soccer plays, if you don't
play (on the turf field), you'll be sorry.


dear miantiao,
if you''re reading this, you''ve gotten out. and if you''ve come this far, maybe you''re willing to come a little further. you remember the name of the town, don''t you? i could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. i''ll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. remember, miantiao. hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies. i will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.
your friend,

baby apples

Two years ago my little semi-dwarf Red Gravenstein Apple tree had it's first crop of about 20 apples. I was thrilled! I ate them fresh off the tree, made a couple pies, and dreamed of what would come the following year (last year) since fruit crops will increase over time. Well, mostly that's what happens.
两年前我那矮小的Red Gravenstein苹果树有了它的第一次果实,大约20个苹果.我简直太兴奋了.我新鲜的直接从树上摘了吃,做了几个派,也开始幻想着随着它的生长我来年(去年)会得到多少呢?不过以下是实际情况.
All fruit trees have cycles. Crops will be heavier some years and they have a "resting" year, where the crop will be really light. Last year was my "rest" year and being such a young tree really light meant no apples at all! I was so sad.

This year, however, the tree was covered with blossoms and I can already see lots of little baby apples making their way into the world! Hooray! The tricky part now is that I didn't do worm prevention when I should have. :-( I'm going to have to keep my fingers crossed that not too many are affected... And I probably should thin them so that the fruit quality and size is better. I hate killing the babies, though. We'll see if I actually ever get around to it.



Any one has experience with Home Depot window purchase and installation? Are their price negotiable? Do they offer quality work? Any comments will be appreciated.

致 马克
有谁曾在HOME DEPOT购买及安装窗户么?他们那里能讨价还价么?他们提供的服务有保证么?任何建议都成,非常感谢.
Installation offered at Home Depot is not performed by H.D.own employees rather independent contractors. The worst over priced bid I ever dealt with. Never will deal with H.D. contractor again. Purchase window from H.D. is a different story.
在HOME DEPOT提供的安装服务不是由他们自己的员工来做的,而是一个外包的独立建筑商.这是我觉得最糟糕的价钱.我再也不会跟H.D的建筑商打交道了.不过从他们那里买窗户就另外一回事.


We play soccer at Bothell business park during lunch
time on weekdays, but it is not organized, just come
and play. We are thinking recruit enough people to
form a team so we can compete regularly with other
teams, we might play a game once a week or once every
2 weeks during weekend.
The soccer field at Bothell business park is turf
field, standard professional field. It is 10 times
better than the mud field on which most of us used to
play in our home country. Soccer plays, if you don't
play (on the turf field), you'll be sorry.


dear miantiao,
if you''re reading this, you''ve gotten out. and if you''ve come this far, maybe you''re willing to come a little further. you remember the name of the town, don''t you? i could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. i''ll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. remember, miantiao. hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies. i will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.
your friend,
致 面条


在二年以前红色的 Gravenstein 苹果树有的我小 semi- 矮子它是大约 20个苹果的第一农作物。 我被震颤! 我吃他们新鲜的远树,制造了夫妇派,而且在时间期间梦到会自水果农作物以后来未来年 ( 去年) 的东西 将会增加。 好吧,大概那是发生什麽事。
所有的果树有周期。 农作物将会是比较沈重的一些年,而且他们有 "休息"年, 农作物将会哪里真的轻。 去年是我的 "休息" 年和实在如此的一棵年轻的树真光全然没有意谓苹果! 我是如此忧愁。

今年,然而,树布满花,而且我能已经看见许多小宝贝苹果制造他们的方法进世界! 万岁!! 狡猾的部份现在是当我应该有的时候 , 我不 做虫预防。 :-( 我正在去必须使我的手指被越过不太许多被影响... 而且我或许应该使他们变薄以便 水果质量和大小比较好。 但是,我憎恨杀害宝贝。 我们将会看看是否我曾经实际上到达在附近到它。



任何的有对~的经验家停车场窗户购买和安装? 他们的价格是可磋商的吗? 他们提供质量工作吗? 任何的意见将会被感激。

安装在家停车场提供不相当被 H.D.own 职员运行独立的承包商。 最坏过度定了我曾经所处理 的竞标价格。 从不再一次将会处理 H.D. 承包商。 购买来自 H.D. 的窗户是一个不同的故事。


我们在午餐期间在 Bothell 生意公园踢足球
在周日计时,但是它不被组织, 正直的来
而且游戏。 我们正在想新兵充足的人们到
队, 我们曾经可能玩一场游戏星期或一次每一
在周末期间的 2个星期。

足球领域在 Bothell 生意公园是草地
领域,标准专业人士领域。 它是 10 倍
在我们的家国家中的游戏。 足球玩, 是否你不
游戏 (在草地领域上),你将会是难过的。

到: miantiao

亲爱的 miantiao,
如果你 '' 关于读这 , 你''滚出去的 ve。 而且如果你''ve 来这远的, 也许你'' 关于乐意的比较进一步稍微来。 你记得城镇的名字,君'' t 你? i 可以使用一个好男人帮助我拿轮子上的我计画。 i''ll 留意你和西洋象棋盘预备好的状态。 记得,miantiao。 希望是一件好的事物, 也许事物之中最好的和没有好的事物曾经一钢模。 i 将会希望这封信找你, 而且找你好的。


二年以前这首先是大约20个苹果的庄稼的红Gravenstein苹果树有的我侏儒半少。 我激动! 我吃他们新空闲树, 做一块夫妇馅饼,并且梦想次年(去年)将来的,水果产量超时将增加。 嗯,主要那是所发生的。
全部果树有循环。 庄稼将是更沉重的一些年和他们有一"休息"年,在那里庄稼将真的是光。 去年是我的"休息"年,并且真的作为这样的一棵幼树,光根本没有意味着苹果! 我如此悲哀。

今年,不过,树为花所覆盖,我已经能看见许多小婴儿苹果进入世界! 好哇! 诡计多端的部分现在是当我应该有时,我没确实使预防慢慢向前。 : -(我将要必须祈祷并非太多被影响 ... 并且我或许应该使他们变薄,以便水果质量和尺寸更好。 可是,我不喜欢杀死那些婴儿。 我们将看看我实际上找到时间如果。



任何一个有有家庭百货窗子购买和安装的经验吗? 他们的价格是可谈判的吗? 他们提供高质量的工作吗? 任何意见将被感激。

H.D.own 雇员没执行在家庭百货提供的安装相当独立的订约人。 最坏越过定价投标我涉及。 决不将再次与H.D. 订约人交易。 来自H.D.的购买窗子是一个不同的故事。


并且玩。 我们正认为新兵为足够的人
在周末的2 周。

领域,标准专业领域。 它是10次
在我们的本国玩。 如果你不,足球扮演


"重新读的这,你"的如果你寄出的ve。 并且重新愿意来一点更远的"ve 来这远,你或许"的如果你。 你记得镇的名字,指导老师"t 你吗? i 能使用一个好人帮助我在车轮上得到我的工程。 i"ll 注意你,棋盘准备。 记住,miantiao。 希望是一件好东西,或许最好的事情和从来没有好东西死。 i 将希望这封信找到你,并且很好地找到你。