
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 02:57:25
二 高校信息化的现状
我国高校真正的信息化是从 1994 年开始的,1998 年以后到2000年,随着计算机的普及和网络技术的发展,如何利用信息技术开展教育成为教育界和高等院校的热点话题,高校信息化热点逐渐形成规模。未来的几年时间里,全国近两千所高等院校要进行信息化建设或实施更新改造,高校信息化的市场空间急剧膨胀,围绕着高校信息化的各种需求出现了爆炸式的增长。目前中国高等院校信息化建设主要依靠国家高校 “数字校园”、中小学“校校通”工程、区域网和现代远程教育四个工程的推动。从四个工程的进展情况看,高校信息化建设发展迅速。
截止 2003年底,全国已有超过 70%的高校建立起了不同层次、规模的校园网,约占高校总数 15%的高校校园网采取千兆以太网技术,网络已连接到校内 的主要办公楼、教学楼、实验楼、图书馆,建立了网络中心和多媒体教室;国家政策为高校信息化建设创造了良好的宏观环境。国家政策在导向性上、组织领导上以及资金上对高校的信息化建设都有明显倾向。在政策上,高校信息化“十五发展规划(纲要)”中对高校信息化规划目标 基本确定到2005年全部的高校均要实现接入CERNET。在组织领导上, 2002 年3月5日教育部重新组建了高校信息化领导小组,大多数省(市) 也相应成立了高校信息化领导机构,并将高校信息化发展纳入到地方教育发展的规划中,保证了高校信息化的持续稳定发展。在资金上,中央级财政教育经费中占 50%用于高校建设;此外对高校信息化还有专项资金扶持重点建设项目,211工程二期中央专项资金有60 亿,比一期资金扩大一倍多。这些数据说明,我国高校信息化的基础设施建设已有长足进展。
调查数据显示,有41.7%的高校目前已开始使用网络教学系统,但同时平均已有 58.3%的被调查高校已使用校园管理信息系统,计划在今后 2-3 年内使用的高校平均比例也达到 37.4%。另外,从被调查高校网站所提供的服务项目来看,绝大多数都是关于校务、行政和管理方面的信息,而教学、科研类的信息服务项目相对较少。同时,已经设立主管全 校信息化建设与规划专门部门的学校平均比例已经达到 82.1%,而同时只有 65.2%的高校专门设立了“教育技术中心”或“电教中心”等机构,只有 46.8%的学校制订了将信息技术与课程融合的正式计划,44.6%的高校建立了供教师在教学中使用的教学资源库。此外,在网络教学方面,目前,仅有16.7%的被调查高校为全日制学生(包括本科生和研究生)提供计算 、学分的在线课程;只有、8%的高校制订了关于承认本校学生通过 INTERNET 在国内外高校所获得的学分政策。上述这种情况说明,高校的教学信息化工作有待于进一步加强。
在调查数据显示,在被调查高校中,教师办公室联网率已达到 76.6%,学生宿舍联网率已达到 49.4%,教室联网率达到 48.2%,安装有固定投影设备教室的平均比例也达到 31.2%。同时,调查结果也显示,目前已经有13.7%的高校建成了无线局域网(WirelessLAN)。在师生计算机装备方面,教师每人拥有 1 台计算机的平均比例已达到 35.4%,2—5 人拥有 1 台的平均比例则达到 48.5%;在学生中,平均 2—5 人拥有 1 台计算机的比例为 34.4%,6—10 人拥有 1 台的比例为 35.9%。上述这些情况说明,在被调查高校中,已经基本上具备了在教学、科研和管理等方面运用信息技术的基本条件。

2.1 universities information present situation development our country universities true information was starts from 1994, in 1998 will later to 2000, along with the computer popularization and the network technology development, how educate into the educational circles and the institutions of higher learning hot spot topic using the information technology development, the universities information hot spot gradually forms the scale. In the future several years time, the national nearly 2,000 institutions of higher learning will have to carry on the information construction or the implementation renewal transformation, the universities information market space suddenly inflate, revolve universities information each kind of demand to appear the detonation -like growth. At present the Chinese institutions of higher learning information construction main dependence country universities "the digital campus", the elementary and middle schools "the school school passes" the project, the region network and the modern distance learning four projects impetuses. Looked from four projects progress situations that, the universities information construction development is rapid. Until for 2003 year's end, the nation had surpasses 70% universities to establish the different level, the scale campus network, approximately composes the universities total 15% universities campus net to adopt 1000000000000000 ethernets technologies, the network has connected in the school the main office building, the teaching building, the experimental building, the library, has established the hub and the multimedia classroom; The national policy has created the good macroscopic environment for the universities information construction. The national policy in the guidance, organizes on in the leader as well as the fund all has the obvious tendency to universities's information construction. In the policy, the universities information "15 development plans (summary)" center to the universities information plan goal basically determined the complete universities must realize to 2005 turns on CERNET. In organizes on the leader, on March 5, 2002 the Ministry of Education reset up the universities information leading group, the majority province (city) correspondingly had also been established the universities information leadership organization, and bought into line with the universities information development to in the place education development plan, had guaranteed the universities information continued stably to develop. In the fund, in the central level finance education funds accounts for 50% to use in the universities to construct; In addition also has the special fund support construct with proper priority project to the universities information, 211 projects two issue of central special funds have 6000000000, expands more than a time compared to an issue of fund. These interpretations of data, our country universities information infrastructure construction had the considerable progress. In 2.2 universities information present situation special details 2.11 campuses management information development speed quickly to the teaching information investigation data display, some 41.7% universities at present started to use the network teaching system, but simultaneously the average had 58.3% is investigated the universities to use the campus management information system, plans the universities average proportion which will use in the next 2-3 year also to achieve 37.4%. Moreover, from is investigated the service project which the universities website provides to look that, the overwhelming majority all is about the school service, administrative and the management aspect information, but the teaching, the scientific research class information service project relative are less. At the same time, already set up the responsible entire school information construction and the plan special department's school average proportion already achieves 82.1%, but simultaneously only had 65.2% universities specially to set up "the educational technique center" or "the audiovisual education center" and so on the organization, some 46.8% schools have only drawn up the official plan which fused the information technology and the curriculum, 44.6% universities have established for the teacher the teaching resources storehouse which used in the teaching. In addition, in network teaching aspect, at present, only some 16.7% is investigated the universities (including undergraduate student and graduate student) provides the computation, the school grades on-line curriculum for the full-time student; Only had, 8% universities draws up about acknowledged this school student through INTERNET the school grades policy which obtained in the domestic and foreign universities. The above this kind of situation showed that, universities's teaching information work waits for further strengthens. 2.22 campuses information development is quicker, the hardware infrastructure construction has achieved the certain level. In the investigation data display, in is investigated in the universities, the teacher office networking rate has achieved 76.6%, the student's dormitory networking rate has achieved 49.4%, the classroom networking rate achieves 48.2%, the installment has the fixed projection equipment classroom the average proportion also to achieve 31.2%. At the same time, the investigation result also showed that, at present already had 13.7% universities to complete the wireless local area network (WirelessLAN). In the teachers and students computer equipment aspect, teacher each person has 1 computer the average proportion to achieve 35.4%, 2 □5 people have 1 average proportion to achieve 48.5%; In the student, the average 2 □5 people have 1 computer the proportion are 34.4%, 6 □10 people have 1 proportion are 35.9%. The above these situations showed that, in is investigated in the universities, already basically has had in aspect and so on teaching, scientific research and management utilizes the information technology the basic condition.

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