angularjs原理:HELP ME!!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 14:20:17
please translate the sentences into english


I'm at a loss now. I agree with neither of you.
Mind your behavior.(这里翻译成Respect yourselves不妥帖,因为主要是说"注意你们的言行")

Keep your hearts pure.

i got speechless and feel lost. i agree no one of you all.please repect yourselves and keep your mind beautiful

I am speechless, I am confused, I don't know what to do. I do not agree with any of you. Please have some self respect, please keep an innocent heart.

At a loss,I feel cofused and got speechless.I can not agree with any of you.Please mind your behavior and keep your spirit nice.