c盘 asm104xusb3文件夹:英语翻译

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/28 06:38:16
We lived for over twenty-three years on forty-eight wooded acres that we purchased from an old Mainer who had bought up land in the Thirties like postage stamps and sold off a parcel every now and then when he needed some money. We lived off the grid—no conventional power, no electric lines, no light switches, faucets, or spigots, no toaster or hair dryer, no flush toilet, no furnace, and no monthly bill from Central Maine Power. Often when we told people how we lived, they asked us forthrightly how we could live that way. What was with us? Frequently they assumed that we were ideologues of some sort, that we were living without electricity to make a point about the dry rot of Western civilization. Perhaps we were latter day Luddites or devotees of Rousseau or Thoreau. We must be of the company of the sanctimonious, those who live to judge others.
I never blamed people for making such assumptions. Anything out of the ordinary tends to be taken personally. The fact was that we had situated our house a few hundred feet beyond what the power company considered a reasonable distance to put in their poles. Beyond that distance, a customer had to sign a contract and pay a bunch of money up front. We never had that money and so we never got power. We could have situated the house closer to the poles to begin with—there was plenty of road frontage—but that logical consideration never entered our heads. Other concerns—aesthetic, intuitive, and earthy—guided where we built our house. It was on a rise where, once upon a time, a farmhouse had sat. There was a dug well there that we wound up using. Despite the rapidity with which a dooryard became the woods again, there was still something of a south-facing clearing there. We had rented our share of dark apartments and wanted all the sunlight we could get. People had lived for eons without electric lights and water pressure. Though we had never done it, as blithe and hardworking spirits we felt that we could too.

我们居住二十三年在我们购买从老Mainer 收买了登陆在三十象邮票和卖小包常常的四十八树木繁茂的英亩当他需要一些钱。 我们居住grid..no 常规力量, 没有电线, 没有灯开关, 龙头, 或子口, 没有多士炉或吹风器, 没有抽水马桶, 没有熔炉, 并且没有月度票据从中央缅因力量。 经常当我们告诉了人们怎样我们居住, 他们直率地问我们怎么我们能居住那样。 什么是以我们? 他们频繁地假设, 我们是某一排序的理论家, 我们是生存没有电提出一观点关于西部文明干燥腐烂。 或许我们是Rousseau 或Thoreau 的后者天Luddites 或献身者。 我们必须是公司sanctimonious, 那些居住判断其他人。
我由于做从未责备了人这样假定。 任何不平常倾向于亲自被采取。 事实是, 我们位于了我们的房子几百英尺在什么之外力量公司考虑一个合理的距离投入在他们的杆。 在那个距离之外, 顾客必须签署合同和支付一束金钱前线。 我们从未有那金钱和因此我们从未得到了力量。 我们能位于房子离杆较近开始with..there 是大量路frontage..but, 逻辑考虑从未进入了我们的头。 其它concerns..aesthetic, 直觉, 并且earthy..guided 我们修建了我们的房子的地方。 它是在, 的上升 从前, 农舍坐了。 有一口被开掘的井那里那我们受伤使用。 尽管dooryard 再成为树林的快速性, 仍然有有点南部饰面清除那里。 我们租赁了黑暗的公寓我们的份额和想要我们能得到的所有阳光。 人们居住为永世没有电灯和水压。 虽然我们从未做了它, 如同我们认为的愉快和勤勉精神我们也是能。

我们住了23多年的48亩树林,我们购买了老Mainer人买了土地,像邮票三、卖掉一包,每隔一段时间,他需要一些钱. 我们靠的电网没有常规力量,没有电力线路,不轻开关、水龙头、spigots,中间没有头发或烘干机,没有抽水马桶,没有炉,也没有每月从中央缅因法案的权力. 当我们告诉人们常常生活如何,他们坚决要求我们如何生活下去. 我们是什么? 他们常常以为我们的一些理论家,我们都生活在没有电的干燥物作一点西方文明. 或许我们预测后一天的卢梭或者梭罗或信徒. 我们必须对公司的语气,来判断他人居住.
没人指责,使这种假设. 什么是不寻常的,往往要采取个人. 事实是,我们有我们的房子位于几百呎超出认为合理的电力公司把遥杆的. 除此之外,距离客户签订了合同,并付了一钱不错. 我们没有钱,所以没有得到权力. 我们可以接近杆房子座落首先,前面的道路有很多,但从来没有进入考虑逻辑头脑. 其他问题--审美、良知、土导,我们搞我们的房子. 这是一个在上升,从前的时候,有一个人坐在农舍. 那里有好挖,我们利用收场. 尽管速度与伍兹再次成为一个dooryard,还有不少向南结算. 我们自己租的公寓和阴暗的阳光,我们希望能与所有. 人民生活没灯迷和水压. 虽然我们从未这样做,因为喜剧和吃苦耐劳的精神,我们认为,我们也可以.