诗豪的著名诗人是谁:I want to become be a ______ when I grow up (大家来帮忙)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/29 21:58:26

I want to be a professional athlete that plays for the NHL when I grow up.
In this competitive society, everyone wants to go well, everyone wants to have a respectable life. teachers live by teaching knowledge to people, philosphers give their wisdom to people etc. See, everyone has their own path that they walk to survive in this scary and competitive society. As for me, I want to be a athlete. Not just any athlete, I want to be a professional athlete, one that plays for the National Hockey league! some people ask me why. The reason is simple, once I play for the NHL, I'll be famous! Everyone will want my autograph, my pictures. And besides, the salary is excellent. Although the sport is rough, but I like it very much. And, if I become a NHL player, I will be playing with and against a lot of the big ones! Like Wayne Gretzky, Bret Hull and much much more! I might even, watch all the "big ones" while I'm playing the game, and then never get a goal. I might even just be like a wooden person on the ice once I see them!!!
But the sad truth and ruthless reality is--- now, I’m still sitting in my classroom and trying to drag myself out from this distant dream

I want to become be a doctor when I grow up .
when i was a child,i was thingking aboat my future. I thought I will become a doctor to give more and more peole a new life,even it is a hard work,but I still believed I can .
Every life in this wold is very ____(珍贵的).So evryone don't want to lost their friends.I will do my best to save every life.I want to live my life to the beautiful word.

I want to become be a __hellp____ when I grow up
