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请详细讲一下 宾语从句


e.g. I think that someone forget to sweep the floor.
He is sure that he can pass the exam.
e.g. I don’t know if/whether he will come.
He asked me if/whether I worked watch the game.
e.g. I don’t know when the plane takes off.
He asked where she put the books.
e.g. I think that he is right.
e.g. Do you know how he came here?
Did he tell you if he had lost the book?
e.g. My grandfather told me that the earth goes around the sun.
He told us that Sunday is the first day of a week.


找本语法书 自己看啊

1.The last person _____is my old friend,Rose.
A.left B.to leave C.leaving D.being left
2.The day the child had looked forward to ____at last.
A.coming B.comes C.come D.came
【题解】选D。本题很容易误选A。学生往往只记住look forward to后接动词-ing形式,而忽略了从整个句子的结构上来考虑。本题中look forward to的宾语是先行词The day,在定语从句中省略了关系代词that,需要填入的是主句的谓语动词。由于定语从句中用了过去完成时,主句中应用一般过去时,而不用一般现在时,故选D。
3.I really don’t know _____kept the secret papers.
A.where was it B.it was where that
C.where it was that D.where was it that
4.They all went to the football game,____the rest of the work till the next day.
A.left B.leaving C.to leave D.after leaving
【题解】选B。本题是现在分词短语作状语,表示主语的另一个动作,即在去看足球赛的同时,把余下的工作留到第二天去做,A项的left如理解为一个过去式,则需加并列连词,C项的to leave是一个不定式,通常作目的状语,用在此处不合题意。D项中after多余,故选B。
5.The girl seldom,if____,turned to her elder brother for protection.
A.never B.ever C.then D.always
【题解】选B。even用在此处是一个副词,意为“任何时候”,用在疑问句、否定句或条件状语从句中。如:He is seldom, if ever, absent from school.(他简直从不缺课。)本题亦是这种用法,句意为“那个女孩几乎从不向她的哥哥寻求保护”。never与前面的seldom相重复;then和always一般用于肯定句中。
6.It was freezing cold.I put on my overcoat,but it didn't seem to_____.
A.help B.heat C.make D.warm
【题解】选A。由seem to可知后面应是动词原形,故D项可先予以排除。然后根据help, heat, make三个动词的意思来确定答案。根据题意,应选help为妥,因为heat意为“加热”,大衣只能保暖,不能加热。make是使役动词,必须接宾语及宾补才能使句子完整,故这两个词无论在句意还是结构上都不合题意。help在这里作“起作用”解。
7.She didn't agree ____in her lake the other day.
A.him to fish B.his fishing
C.to him to fish D.to his fishing
【题解】选D。动词agree后通常接介词with, to或on。with后一般接sb.;to后接sth.,但不能接不定式作宾补,故可排除A、C两项。本题选项中的her fishing相当于sth.,故用to。所以,D为正确选项。
8.“Did you quarrel with the manager?” “Yes,but ____that.”
A.I'd rather not do B.I'd rather not have done
C.I'd like not to do D.I'd like not to have done
【题解】选B。根据对话情景和but这一转折连词,可知说话人在表示自责或后悔,由此考虑would rather选项,排除would like选项。当对过去行为表示自责或后悔时,would rather后面的动词应用have done形式,由此弃A选B。表达这一意思时,would rather后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词应用过去完成时,因此这一句也可以说成I'd rather I hadn't done that.
9.As a writer,he succeeded in calling ____to many of the terrible wrongs that existed at that time.
A.interest B.notice C.attention D.mind
【题解】选C。本题的意思是“作为一个作家,他成功地唤起了人们对当时存在的很多冤屈的注意”。引起人们的注意,应该用attention; interest意为“兴趣”,其后应跟介词in;notice与mind的意思都离题甚远。
10.Has she ever asked him the reason ____may explain his coming late?
A.that B.for which C.why D.for which

定 语
The green bike is mine.那辆绿色的自行车是我的。
Is there anything wrong with your radio?你的收音机有毛病吗?
Miss Green is a responsible girl.格林小姐是一位负责任的姑娘。
She told us good news.她告诉我们好消息。
Can you answer those questions? 你能回答这些问题吗?
Your hair needs cutting. 你的头发需要理了。
This could change our lives. 这可以改变我们的生活。
Which class are you in? 你在哪个班?
His company is on the 23rd floor. 他的公司在二十三楼。
There is only one way to work out the maths problem.这个数学题只有一种解法。
Mother bought two pounds of oranges yesterday.母亲昨天买了两磅桔子。
Fifty students attended the party.50名学生参加了晚会。
There are three women doctors in the medical team.这个医疗队里有三位女医生。
They are going to send a trade delegation to China.他们决定派一个贸易代表团来中国。
This is my bike.Tom's bike is over there.这是我的自行车,汤姆的自行车在那边。
Today’s newspaper is on the desk.今天的报纸在桌子上。
【注】名词作定语时用单数形式,但man, woman作定语修饰名词时,应该与被修饰的名词在单复数上保持一致。
The climate there is mild.那儿的气候很温和。
The buildings around were badly damaged. 附近的建筑受到严重损坏。
The scenery up at the lake is very beautiful.湖泊的风光很美。
In the room upstairs lived an old couple.楼上的房间里住着一对老夫妇。
That has nothing to do with the matter under discussion.这和讨论的问题没有关系。
Yesterday the scientist made a report on modem science.
Do you have anything else to say?你还有什么话要说吗?
I have a lot of work to do today.今天我有很多事情要做。
She had only a cold room to live in.她只有一间寒冷的房间居住。
He is an honest man to be depended on.他是一个诚实的可以信赖的人。
The headmaster gave an inspiring speech yesterday.昨天校长作了一个激动人心的演讲。
There are a lot of children needing medical attention.有大量儿童需要医疗照顾。
She had a worried look on her face.她脸上有优愁的表情。
What do you think of the play put on by the students? 你觉得学生们演的剧怎么样?
There is a swimming pool in our school.我们学校里有一个游泳池。
He bought some sleeping pills in the hospital.他在医院里买了一些安眠药。
Tom’s parents bought a pair of running shoes for him as a birthday present.
Where is Helen? She is in the reading room.海伦在哪里?她在阅览室里。
a sleeping 一个睡着的孩子 (现在分词)
a sleeping car 卧车 (动名词)
running water 流水 (现在分词)
running shoes 跑鞋 (动名词)
The girls who he employs are always complaining about the pay.
Everyone who knows him likes him.认识他的人都喜欢他。
All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs.落在地上的苹果都被猪吃了。
She didn't tell me the reason why she refused the offer.她没跟我讲她拒绝这工作的原因。
There are times when such things are necessary.有时候这样的事是必要的。
That's the hotel where we were staying last summer.这是我们去年夏天住过的宾馆。
【注】有关定语从句的详细内容请同学们参阅《中学英语1 +1》第一册上册的相关内容。

1.I have____________________(没有什么特别的活动)tonight.
2. These are__________________(通往海滨的路).
3. Perhaps______________________(在未来的岁月中)we shall meet again.
4. That has no relation to______________________(讨论的问题).
5. Is anything______________________________(出什么事了)?
6. It's a very________________________________(有说服力的例子).
7. There was a tong line____________________________(在超市外等候).
8. She had a____________________________(脸上有忧愁的表情).
9. What do you think of_________________________(学生们演的剧)?
10. What's_______________________________(你们政府对这个问题的态度)?
16. Would anyone__________________(目击这一事故的)please get touch with the police?
17. The man______________________(和我一道旅行的)couldn't speak English.
18. There are times_______________________________(这样的事是必要的).
19. She didn't tell me the reason___________________________(她拒绝这项工作的).
20. That's the hotel_____________________________(我们去年夏天住的).

1.nothing special on 2.the roads leading to the beach 3.in years to come 4.the matter under discussion 5.the matter with you 6.convincing example 7.waiting outside the supermarket 8.worried look on her face 9.the play put on by the students 10.your government's attitude towards the problem 11.This has given me a lot to think of 12.It's time for him to be off 13.She is the best person for the job 14.I've lost my interest in natural history 15.I saw something in the paper which might interest you 16.who saw the accident 17.with whom I beveled 18.when such things are necessary 19.why she refused the offer 20.where we were staying last summer

l.The rain _____for two days and the roads were flooded.
A.kept up B.kept on C.kept down D.kept up with
2.This _____to be an expensive mistake.
A.was proved B.proved C.has been proved D.proved as
3.I shall ____you ____if you are not quick.
A.leave;off B.leave;out C.leave;behind D.leave;over
4.You should ____those children_____ about their bad table manners.
A.pull;back B.pull;down C.pull;off D.pull;up
5.He admits that his political life is_____.
A.at stake B.at danger C.at difficult D.in trouble
6.“My foot hurts terrible,doctor.”
“ Well,I wonder ____it has been like this.”
A.since when B.how C.where D.when
7.It was ____that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.
A.we were too late B.because we were late
C.our being late D.us being late
8._____has got round that it will be five days——he comes back to his native place.
A.That;when B.News;that C.It;since D.Word;before
9.____and we will complete the task sent to us.
A.Another hour B.An hour later C.After an hour D.In an hour
10.It is required that every student _____their homework on time.
A.will hand in B.must hand over C.hands out D.hand in
11.“Is it time that we had lunch?”
“Yes,it ____in the dining room.Let's hurry up.”
A.is served B.serves C.is being served D.is serving
12.“We need a person badly to design a new type of microcomputer.”
“____the young man has a try?”
A.Shall B.May C.Should D. Need
13.John swims very well,but I don't like the way ____he always ____in public.
A.what;shows B.in which;shows up
C./;shows off D.by which;shows off
14.The man is believed to with the recent murder.
A.connect B.connecting C.be connected D.have connected
15.The role that exercising ____in losing weight is very important besides dieting.
A.does B.plays C.takes D.works
16.Hard work success and failure laziness.
A.lies in;leads to B.leads to;lies in
C.belongs to;depends on D.depends on;belongs to
17.My watch ____five minutes a day,so I have to set it back.
A.gain B.wins C.gets D.loses
18.This kind of music is very good_____.
A.to be danced with B.to be danced to
C.to dance with D.to dance to
19.I don't know _____he said meant at the meeting.
A.that what B.what what C.what D.that
20.“Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?”
A.Of course not,it's not allowed here B.Yes!I love pets
C.No,you can't D.I'd rather you didn't,actually
21.There are still 30 minutes left.So _____no need to hurry.
A.it is B.there is C.that is D.we are
22.Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _____some schools poor children.
A.set up;for B.setting up;for
C.have set up;with D.having set up;with
23.____from window of the 21st floor and you can get a magnificent view of the city.
A.To look B.Looking C.Look D.Looked
24.This is the place I ____want to go.
A.mostly B.best C.most D.much
25.If anyone calls,tell him I'm out,and ask him to _____his name and address.
A.pass B.write C.take D.leave
26.I think I recognize the song she is singing.It sounds_____.
A.pleasant B.familiar C.special D.strange
27.On the long journey,Peter ______a most interesting guide. We all had a wonderful time.
A.practised B.behaved C.proved D.conducted
28.He said he would come;he didn't______.
A.though B.although C.but D.still
29."Who gave you this message?”
"A man _____himself Mr Zhang.”
A.called B.calling C.calls D.is called
30.Roses need special care ____they can live through winter.
A.because B.so that C.even if D.a

try, desperate, stare, promise, anxious, real, relieve terrible, power, treat
1.The ____ was much worse than anything I had imagined.
2.In her____ to please,she asked them to stay for dinner.
3.The _____to be an interesting discussion.
4.They looked at him with a _____of surprise.
5.The situation had become ____;we were rapidly running out of money.
6.The mountain climber made one more _____to reach the top.
7.His wound was left _____because he had no money.
8.Electric current is often _____enough to kill.
9.We were both ______at the bridge would fall down.
10.To then great _____,the children all arrived home safely.

Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house.She 1 John very much. In her 2 he couldn't do anything 3 .Every morning she would give him breakfast
4 bed and bring him the papers to 5 . It isn't really true that he was too 6 to work-in fact he had tried a few 7 .First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to 8 at least six windows.Then he 9 a bus conductor and on his second 10 a passenger stole his bag with all the fares(车费)collected. He 11 lost his job as a postman 12 he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people's houses.It seemed that there was 13 suitable work for him.So he 14 to join the army.Mrs.Fart was so 15 about this that she told the 16 to all her neighbours.“My John is going to be a soldier,”she said.“He is going to be the best soldier there
17 was,I can tell you!”
Then the great day came 18 he was to march past the palace in the parade(接受检阅的队伍).His 19 mother travelled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good 20 in the crowd.
The parade was full of sound and colour.But when John and his 21 came in sight some of the people watching 22 laughing at the one who couldn't keep pace with the others as they marched along.
But Ella Fant, who was filled with 23 ,shouted at the top of her voice:“Look at 24 !They're all out of 25 except my John!Isn't he the best!”
1. A.depended on B.waited on C.trusted D.loved
2. A.hope B.eyes C.head D.beliefs
3. A.wrong B.great C.good D.strange
4. A.to B.at C.in D.by
5. A.check B.read C.keep D.sign
6. A.lazy B.young C.weak D.shy
7. A.ones B.years C.tasks D.jobs
8. A.rub B.drop C.break D.clean
9. A.followed B.met C.became D.found
10. A.day B.try C.route D.chance
11. A.thus B.even C.once D.only
12. A.even if B.so that C.because D.though
13. A.some B.such C.less D.no
14. A.began B.promised C.managed D.decided
15. A.excited B.worded C.anxious D.curious
16. A.incident B.change C.news D.matter
17. A.yet B.ever C.never D.just
18. A.where B.since C.when D.till
19. A.proud B.kind C.strict D.lucky
20. A.time B.position C.experience D.impression
21. A.neighbours B.army officer C.mother D.fellow soldiers
22. A.couldn't help B.shouldn't burst out C.stopped D.kept
23. A.sadness B.happiness C.surprise D.reset
24. A.them B.those C.that D.him
25. A.sight B.order C.mind D.step
(1)表达时间的几个句型:一般用when或者是what time:

What time will the train leave?


What time does the train leave?

也可以用简单的句型:When is the train leave?

(2)时间的表达方式:8:19(nineteen past eight),7:57(three to eight),在时间的中间也可以加上分的单词(minutes)

(3)had better +动词原型。意思是提要求,建议。但是上下级不能用这种方式,因为语气太重:

You had better give up smoking .

You had better go back to the station.


in five hours' time(5小时以后)

3 hours' work (3小时的工作)

5 minutes' walk(5分钟的路)

2 hours' ride(2小时的车程)

(5)sb leave sth +地点

I left my book in my classroom yesterday.

Leave Beijing for Shanghai

(6)may I have your name(address\age)?一般询问对方的年龄、名字等,不要习惯以前的问法,这样很不礼貌,而是要采访上面的问法。以前的习惯是:how old are you? \what's your name?


this is a bridge

This is a beautiful bridge

This is a beautiful stone bridge.

This is a beautiful old stone bridge


2语序:宾语从句必须是用陈述语句。如:I think that you must work harder

(9)"hurt"的意思:作为不及物动词的时候意思是疼痛,作为及物动词的时候意思是感情伤害。如:His arm hurts. My head hurts

He hurt his friend