剑三出师任务流程图:翻译 翻译

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 11:57:12
有时他的抉择是非理性的,相当冲动的,比如当他在激怒之下一剑刺死他误以为是国王的波洛涅斯。 他装疯来躲避国王的迫害则表明他相当的理智和顽强。其实很多时候很多东西很多疑问他可以不追究,过一种被称作麻木或者“看开”的生活。 即使在他遭遇不幸的时候,他仍然真挚的深深的爱着奥菲丽亚。哈姆雷特以他哲学家的深刻洞察力,解剖现实,深揭被掩盖着的社会罪恶,使其忧郁积重难返。他在精神危机里继续进行精神探索,又发现更新,更严重的社会罪恶,这些新的罪恶又带来他忧郁的进一步升级,达到常人达不到的深度与广度。

Although Hamlet is admirable skill, to want to deliver, but he does not always find music, still, he is always isolated. This is ugly and die together his tragic fate. Disillusionment, he can not bear the pressure of overload, in a spiritual crisis, and produced shows.
  Sometimes his choice irrational, the very impulses, such as when he stabbed him in the rocks themselves under the misconception that King was Boluoniesi. He Zhuangfeng King to escape persecution and the reason is that he is tenacious. In fact, many many things he could not hold many doubts, too apathetic or known as a "look at the" life. Even in his less fortunate when he still sincere deep love Aofeiliya. Hamlet with his profound insight philosopher, dissect reality was hidden deep poke social evil, it shows itself. He continued in the spiritual crisis of the spirit of exploration and discovery updated more serious social evil, the evil of these new shows also bring him further escalation, to ordinary people can not achieve the depth and breadth.
